Reviews for A Story of Heroes
Hunter092 chapter 5 . 12/26/2013
Really awesome.

Especially when you made the scene similar to the one in Pearl Harbor
Ninja Stars chapter 52 . 6/10/2012
Wow! I just stumbled upon this story recently but I could not stop reading once I started!

This was a very well written story, I enjoyed it very much. I really liked how you changed up the story line slightly but still included dialogue from the original one. Your original characters were awesome too! I was hard pressed to dislike any of them (and I didn't actually manage it :P). What ever happened to Seymour and Jessie? Did he recover?

Over all this is a great story with little errors, great chapter lengths and a great overall length.

Congrats on writing such a beautiful story!

Panthres chapter 5 . 6/8/2008
I'm laughing hysterically right now...because this whole chapter reminded me freakishly of a scene in the movie Pearl Harbor where Doolittle was training them for a Top Secret Mission...did you get that from there? -wipes tears of laughter from eyes- Sorry it's good, but that was just too ironic for me not to laugh
The Dark Side of Me chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
I will say this is a first for me. I have never post in stories this early but this story really grabs be. I've only read the discription and the prologue. I can't wait to read your sequal "A Story of Legends". Later!
skywolf666 chapter 52 . 7/11/2006
Awesome story, i loved it! You inspired me to write my own, which is already finished. i absolutely lvoed the idea, the characters and the main plot was sweet! keep at it, i'm waiitng for the sequel!
Deathblade Prime chapter 5 . 5/29/2006
You took this scene straigth out of the movie 'Pearl Harbor'. Almost word for word.
HokutoShichisei chapter 52 . 2/7/2006
Wow... its a great story, with a wonderful plot.
lithiumxflower chapter 51 . 11/24/2005
i just realized something from this chapter i never noticed before when i read it...and i have to say something to you about it...Natural Bad Girl...that was, by far, the best re-arrangement of a name i have EVER def deserve a freaking review for that one...i never would have thought of made me made my day...good job ;) happy thanksgiving...get on with that to ya later xD
Alone in a New Place chapter 52 . 10/27/2005
Okay, now, I've been wanting to read this story for a very long time, then when I finally started, it took a while for me to finish so you can just imagine how long I've been waiting to review this. (I was thinking of reviewing before, but 52 reviews from me would be a bit much, don't you think?) Anyway, onto what I've been wanting to say from the beginning . . .

I absolutely love this story! I truly believe that this is publish material! It's that amazing! (of course, sadly, I don't think it's possible to publish a fanfiction) But, trust me, if it was published I would seriously be the first one at the cash register with it in hand . . . and then I'd force all my friends to read it!

I'll say it again, this is an amazing fanfiction, you are an amazing author and this is an amazing piece of work even if it wasn't a fanfiction.

I salute you.
Gary chapter 52 . 10/3/2005
Great fic! Absolutely wonderful! Can't wait to read more! Especially can't wait to read your take of Gundam Seed Destiny XD!

Please keep writing! keep up the excellent work! I want MORE! XD
Red and Gold Phoenix chapter 52 . 8/12/2005
Bondfan, I can't say how sorry I am that I have failed to review in over a month! First my computer broke then my mother was in the hospital for a month and then we went on a small vacation! I know That I still need to review some other chapters and I will!

First of all I extreamly enjoyed this story and am very very VERY sad that it is over! I just want to let you know that I think your writting skills are AMAZING!

A lot of times I felt like crying just because the words were so powerful! especially in the epilogue! the very end was so perfect! I cryed so much!

As you know I am a BIG fan of Murrue and Mu and I really appreciate how your story had so much wondeful romance between them! It was all SO awsome! Really though you had me worried! Even though I sort of knew you were not going to kill Mu I was still crying! The part where Murrue thinks Mwu is dead was one of my favorites in later chapters. It expressed how much pain Murrue was in without a hint of OOCness. I really enjoyed how Natarle was the one to bring Murrue back to her senses. Other then the fact that Natarle is a favorite of mine, it just seemed so perfect for Natarle to help Murrue. I mean especially how it contrasts the series, because Mwu would have been shot by Natarle's ship. It shows how distint your story is to that of the actual series (which is NOT as good as your version). I am also pleased with how Mwu makes it out alive in the end. I just don't see how Murrue could have gotten through the last battle without him with her! They deserve to be happy together!

Of course I must now move on to my other favorite part of your story, Natarle and Frank. I don't know how many times I'v said it but... you made a perfect match for Natarle. Through the whole story it was as if you developed Natarle's character using Frank. You did it however and still kept Natarle her usual self. It was also affective how you used her dutyful personality as a factor on how she reacted to Frank! You also did a great job in developing Frank. Since he is your own character the job of telling the reader who he was, was all yours. I personally feel you did an awsome job with him and his relation to Murrue. Also another key factor I thought was how well you developed their relationship from small arguments, to respect, to trust and friendship and then finally to love! The relationship progressed gradually and effectivly without movine to fast!Even at the end when they were 'together' it seemed perfectly fitting and not overdone at all!

I also love how Murrue and Mwu are getting married and how Natarle and Frank havn't told anyone about them yet! I hope it continues in your sequal! Speaking about that I am really excited about it!But I have a question...what do you mean your meantime story will be totally opposite to this one?





eliteElite chapter 5 . 8/4/2005
Wow... Gundam seed with a Pearl Harbor layout... I hope you weren't expecting that people wounldn't notice. But ya... the story is still great!
alex chapter 52 . 8/1/2005
wow. that's all i can say about now. your story is so awesome. from the minute i started reading it i could not stop. this is a really amazing story and you are one kick ass author so congrats on finishing this and i can't wait to read the sequel!
KLACDM Forever chapter 52 . 8/1/2005
i'm glad that you finished this fan fic, it really was extremely well written! i too believe that mwu shouldn't have died and i'm glad everyone got together with their respectiable partners! you've written a different, yet similar story to SEED, and i enjoyed reading it. hopefully you will keep up the great work, and write more stories for us in the future!
jadzia-san chapter 52 . 8/1/2005
Well, it seems this great story has finally come to an end. I think the epilogue was very well-written, and I am not at all disppointed with it. You did a nice job of tying up the loose ends and bringing the story to a conclusion.

I will miss this story greatly. It is one of the best fics that I have read, and I look forward to the sequel as well as whatever else you decide to write. Keep up the good work.
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