Reviews for Good Karma
Guest chapter 13 . 3/24/2016
Warning: there is no structure or organization to the following mess.

Very nice. I love the plot – the mystery, though clues are peppered in as well. The Naraku scheme is quite Naraku-worthy, which is sometimes rare to see. Everyone remains in character with only minor slips here and there. Also, love the pairings! The reincarnation idea is neat, though it would have been nice to see the canon ending in there as well (though I realize that the series was not yet finished at the time of writing). Some typos, though they don't really affect the quality of the reading. Overall, quite good!
creativesm75 chapter 13 . 6/10/2013
Guest chapter 3 . 4/6/2013
Yea at first I did think Kouga was Shoukon :3
Kaida-chan chapter 5 . 3/12/2012
I would say that I am a fairly avid fan of YYH (especially the abridged series by Lanipator. If you can deal with cussing in kinda large doses its amazing! Also with Lani is Inuyasha Episode Infinity) anywho I just about died laughing when I saw the name Minamino! I mean Really! All this fics fltoating around about reincarnation and with Shippou-chan in the future, and ONE person uses Kurama-san's name! WAY TO GO!
andIJDC chapter 3 . 6/14/2011
Yeah I was definitely thinking Kouga was Shoukon but when the real Kouaga appeared I was like "Whoa whoa whoa whoa!... Whoa..." and then I had to go back and read the beginning with a whole new mind set

So from the looks of it Kagami/Kanna has her memories back and Miroku and Sango might be getting them soon as well as Shoukon/Naraku.. meaning, well.. hm.. that's something bad is just bound to happen!
andIJDC chapter 1 . 6/14/2011
to be honost I had been planning to skip over this story when I read the summary but when I saw it was a Kagura/Kouga pairing I decided to give it a shot and this is looking really interesting!can't wait to read the rest!
nonamemanga chapter 5 . 9/24/2010
If everything is repeating itself, then who is playing Kagome's part? She is from this time, this time around.
Kagome3007 chapter 13 . 10/12/2009
So, recently I found myself wanting to look back into old areas of my past- namely, my old love for Inuyasha fanfics. I've been re-reading some of my old favorites, and this was one that I remembered.

It was just as awesome as I remembered.

The dialogue was amazing, and realistic. The characters were well-thought-out and convincing. I really loved the confusion between the modern relationships and the old relationships, especially the inconsistencies with how we know the characters were during the series, and how the characters may (or may not) have grown up to be after the series ended. You did a really good job leaving that open for us, and for the characters.

I also really liked how you brought it full circle, to the beginning of the series. It started out like any other AU reincarnation fic, but the twisting in with the actual story, and the fact that you didn't actually center it around Inuyasha or Kagome but instead focused on the 'side characters', made it really engaging for me.

And, lol, Kagura and Kouga. That pairing makes me smile, if only for the crack-ness of it. Although, in a story like this, it's not so crack. I remember the first time I read this, being really confused by the possiblity of it. But by the time I finished your story I was ready to accept KaguraXKouga as canon. _;

So, all in all, a great work. Thank you for writing it.
ardy1 chapter 13 . 5/8/2008
Speaking really quickly, it seemed like you spent a lot of time building up a story only to end it remarkably quickly. Maybe that reflected the demands of fanfic. It left me hungry and disappointed, mostly because you'd built up an appetite for a lot more out of this story!

Mostly, I'm impressed with how you managed to keep Kagome/Inuyasha out of the story. Really! As for the temporal paradox resolution, well, nice try. Actually, fairly convincing. The Kagura/Kouga romance was actually pretty convincing as well. And you did a nice job with Rin/Sesshoumaru-Kanna? Actually, I liked it a lot.

Of course, I read this for the Miroku/Sango, which devolved into more of a side issue, and made me sigh.

Truly, at this stage in this game, AU between this pair is probably where the real interests lies. Still, I liked it enough to mark it as a favorite.
Aoi24 chapter 13 . 10/14/2007
I know that this an old fic but I just finished reading it and have to say that it was remarkably well written. I thoroughly enjoyed it _
grapesRgone chapter 13 . 5/14/2006
I'm soo glad you finished this fic before you quit updating _ Very kind of you. I really enjoyed this fic (this is my second time reading it by the way. I don't think I reviewed the first time around). It was an interesting take on the whole reincarnation scenario. I especially loved your portrayal of Mai. Oh, and I've grown fond of Senrei's name for some reason.
Kah'T.ASTROPHUCK chapter 13 . 2/25/2006
Yo. Kewl Story. Loved it

Nikooru-chan chapter 13 . 1/23/2006
Wow, this is an amazing story. I really enjoyed it. I love the idea too, and I didn't really think that the story was too hard to follow, like I thought some others would. Ahaa, Kagura and Koga are my favorite couple...Well, keep up the great work!

~ ja ne

ashley chapter 13 . 9/11/2005
It was a REALLY REALLY good story, very well written and very believable. However, two things bother me. You never mentioned how Kagura, Kanna, and Kouga died-at least as far as I can tell. The second is that the reader never found out what became of Inuyasha, Kagome, or Kikyo. The second is what bothers me the most. E-mail me if you so choose to answer
The Dream Whisperer chapter 13 . 6/4/2005
That was frickking confusing... In a good-bad way. So many things happening and Sesshoumaru-sama being the one who actually GOT IT DONE plus a wonderful twist plus foreshadowing. My head is going to CRACK.

great story btw!
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