Reviews for The Breaking Point
rowenasheir chapter 8 . 5/8
d love to see the reaction when HP sets up a study group with NL teaching the hebological side of potion ingredients, Harry, cutting and stirring techiques and Hermione, the theory. Who will do the creature side of things?
rowenasheir chapter 4 . 5/8
Love how you combine magic and God's truths together. As everything above, on and below is a part of His creation and part of His purpose, so are your dtories. Genuka would love to talk to you (FFN and AO3)
phoenix-rob chapter 8 . 2/26/2019
great update.
ag038 chapter 8 . 2/26/2019
Interesting story. I hope you continue it. You do need someone to edit for spelling, grammar, word choice more than plot or story flow. There aren't the monumental issues with spelling in grammar that are so common to fanfiction writers. How some of these people passed single English class much less achieved high school diplomas and sometimes college degrees is beyond me.
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 8 . 2/24/2019
A solid chapter here.
RebeccaRoy chapter 3 . 2/24/2019
Wow, so that does make sense here how you explain what magic was to be used for originally and what it had been warped to.
RebeccaRoy chapter 1 . 2/24/2019
Very nice that Harry has someone in his corner this early. Looks as if the Dursley's will get their due sometime soon I hope.
Millie072 chapter 8 . 2/24/2019
Thanks for sorting Harry & Co. into Hufflepuff. There are few fanfics where he's sorted into the Puffs. Sounds as though Hufflepuff has a code among themselves much like Slytherin. Too bad it was never developed in Gryffindor. We haven't heard Dumbledore's reaction to the sorting. The all powerful Dumbles can't get to his ward being unable to breach the wards. The fact they were larger & stronger than his originals, very funny. Snape's thought of Dumbledore getting punished for using legimency on Harry. Vindictive! Interesting that Hufflepuff has 2 person rooms in place of larger dorms. It sounded good sized too. Obviously the lower level has far more space available than do the towers. It's easy to picture various study groups in Huffle after they meet the rest of their professors. Susan & Hannah joining early on. What other new firsties are in Huffle? Looking forward to the next update. Thanks.
Millie072 chapter 7 . 2/24/2019
The past year may prove to be the milestone year of Harry's life. He will be going into Hogwarts with a questioning outlook, instead of acceptance without question that Dumbledore is expecting. Long reign confusion to manipulators.
Millie072 chapter 5 . 2/24/2019
"He could share the information but it was not advisable to do so unless the person had not signed a contract" Shouldn't this read 'unless the person had signed contract'? Otherwise it doesn't make sense. While reading this again to update myself on this noticed the above sentence. Enjoying the second read more than the first as more details pop. Thanks
Millie072 chapter 4 . 2/24/2019
The information was understandable, and given in an interesting format. It was moreso the second time around. Thanks
RebeliousOne chapter 8 . 2/24/2019
Thanks for updating. :) Hufflepuff is a good choice and I couldn't help but think that Neville and your Harry must adore their common room. Ha! I love how Snape faced the consequences of Harry's mental defenses and I'm looking forward to Dumbledore dealing with it next and even Voldie! Sev earned some points for not warning Dumbledore.
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 7 . 2/18/2019
A great story here so far! Looking forward to reading more!
Mila Pink chapter 7 . 1/24/2019
I liked a quite this story and I need to read more.
Humphryz chapter 6 . 1/24/2019
Interesting idea but I can't make it any further. Try to cut back on simply listing events. Way too much reliance on "He [insert verb] ..." or "The [insert nouninsert consequences of event]". The pattern quickly became obvious and irritating. Thanks for the read and good luck.
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