Reviews for The Informant
Skadarken chapter 7 . 6/1
A plate of fried vegetables, the sound of rain and this fic Excellent combo!
Jessica sucks Austin's cock chapter 1 . 9/18/2019
Story sucks
Dear4Life chapter 6 . 5/27/2019
Masterpiece chapter. How you built up all that tension to the end. Loved it!
Dear4Life chapter 5 . 5/27/2019
He's too comfortable. Love it. :)
Dear4Life chapter 4 . 5/26/2019
Ahahahaha. A pregnant hipo.

It has been so long since I've read any DTB, and I had to start this series from the beginning. It's like reading it brand new again, and just as entertaining.
Plucie chapter 7 . 3/14/2019
Are you just going to leave? Hell, I don't know how Misaki will interpret that, but you're giving the universe so much room for drama and (mis)interpretation, and that's never good.

Oh well
We'll see how that plays out

Thanks a lot for updating!
LayLay lives chapter 7 . 2/26/2019
Well that was certainly hotter than the Sahara. Now we know what happened that one night before he left the country. Are you sure you don't want me to start a petition requesting a third season of DTB with you as one of the writers? Just ssying.
CosmicImbalance chapter 1 . 2/19/2019
Please please please update either this or The Shifu!
Brainysoul chapter 6 . 1/30/2019
Omg! Cliffhangers! :3

All the chapters [1-6] are amazing and I kinda wish DTB continued. I just love all you stories that involved Hei, Misaki, and Amber. I just wish the show had more of development betweeb Hei and Misaki like this story. I really believe that they could've became good friends and/or more.

I really admired that Hei is fighting to separate his emotions for Misaki and stay neutral. So amusing. Misaki always liked Li and now she could really like the person underneath the mask.

Just to note: I'm still reading ur stories but, I do forget to review. A lot. Srry.
JelliesTheFish chapter 6 . 1/30/2019
anszew chapter 6 . 1/29/2019
is it only me thinking about a little puppy jumping and barking excitedly "I am dangerous" during this chapter? ;)
Considering the later episodes in the Office series, it's interesting that he opposes her will to hire a contractor. Sure, he's worried about her, but it also suggests a subtle shift in his attitude towards contractors as the time passes.
(I'm still around, reading in silence... and being mad about the cliffhanger in the Shifu story " I like the Informant, both are very intense, although I prefer the unpredictability of Shifu.)
Verdantia Akalixi chapter 6 . 1/29/2019
Oh man. They were both so tense I was afraid one or both of them was going to get genuinely angry, but that last bit - the mental image of Hei slamming his hand down and it just - and Misaki being so Misaki about it -
This was a good way to start my morning.
Reaper2908 chapter 6 . 1/29/2019
Well that was intense
Legendary Junk Mail chapter 6 . 1/29/2019
LayLay lives chapter 6 . 1/28/2019
Yes! You're back! I love your characterization of them. I wish you were a writer for a possible season Three. Life would be just a touch better with Hei and Misaki back at fighting the remnants of the Syndicate together. Thank goodness for FFN so I get to see it at least in print. Even in a fanfic world. Your loyal follower.
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