Reviews for The Imperial Daddy
JordanPhoenix chapter 12 . 3/7/2018
All good things must come to an end, but this was a fitting one indeed.

Kudos for for making a slippery eel of a villain somewhat humane while giving his his just desserts this whole time (his birthday celebration, of course, is my eternal highlight reel!) while coming up with a great plot hole filler as to why he'd want that orb! Did SOJ forget he wouldn't be able to recall faces so the power to channel would be moot in Imperial Daddy's oily hands, or was it yet another remind us that in spite of his 50's gangster style manner and dastardly ways, Inga Karkhuul Haw'kohd Dis'nahm Bi'ahni Lawga Ormo Pohmpus Da'nit Ar'edi Iz Khura'in III was ultimately dumber than a stunted swamp chigger?

The idea of Ga'ran having kids...your explanation as to why these two never sired the anti-Christ was a good as any, but just the idea of Her Malevolence reproducing is more nightmare inducing than picturing Wendy Oldbag twerking in a bikini! It should have been obvious she couldn't have sired the misunderstood but lovable Rayfa! How could anyone think such a cinnamon roll have come from that poisoned womb? That woman had not only demon's mind and a devil's womb and heart, but I have no doubt part of Inga's earthly suffering was because her coochie smelled like Brimstone and Sulphur!

I've always found ending the story is the hardest part but this was great. Given the reunion circumstances it obviously couldn't be as funny as the rest of this side-splitter, but I still laughed at the hidden reference of Blaise and Bassy! I salute you not for a job well-done, funny man!
Just.InStories chapter 12 . 3/3/2018
No! It's...over.

I must say sir, good story. This fanfiction was truly a pleasure to read and follow. I can't wait to see what else you come up with.
JordanPhoenix chapter 11 . 1/20/2018
New Year, new level of review stingy readers? This chapter was a BLAST! The idea of Maya being a PISSY (tee hee!) petulant hostage who still warmed the black coal heart of Inga and stirred his latent paternal instincts was gold, and I loved to see the "behind the scenes" battle of wits they had of how he ended up indulging both her fave foreign TV show and food and thus becoming her "fave kidnapper!" (unbelievable how she now has a list thankfully shorter than her jail rap sheet!)

I do like the idea that despite the game making Inga a megalomaniac who did what he did for his own power, how you added the spin that Rayfa's belief about his motives weren't in vain and he DID do it all for her - you've humanized a heinous villain so well that you made it believable ...great manipulation of the reader's emotions...

...right up until the end, when we were grimly reminded he killed one of the most beloved characters in the series - and the only 2nd trilogy character I've truly adored since Trucy (I LIKE Polly but don't LOVE him like I do Nick).

I was cringing at the end scene of him being to brutal to the body of poor Daddy Dragon - but it was great draw back to reality and reminder that good Daddy or not, Inga was still a farging ice-hole! Nice job! :)
JordanPhoenix chapter 10 . 9/30/2017
The way you had the unassuming Priest and his wife singing the praises of the presumably pacifist double agent monk while showing him in violent combat was hilarious, and I must applaud you for the way you wrote the action/fight scenes are writing physical moments is a challenge for me - (where the characters are upright and clothed I mean! Hee!) as well as the tormenting banter you keep weaving in "Nayna" and Inga. He has yet best her in the battle of wits!

What a wonderfully fitting and to the biggest piece of slug slime in the prosecutor's office! Gaspen can't do ANYTHING right! He's a failure as a prosecutor and a wannabe murderer (because yes he tried to have Phoenix as well as a nine-year-old boy killed which definitely would've had blood be on his hands as much as it had been Manfred persecuting the innocent!) The idea of him being a human Cogsworth (minus the beloved Disney character's charm!) is hilarious and fitting! Keep it up!
BanjoTheAlmighty chapter 6 . 9/23/2017
Well, he did end up killing him in the end I guess...Why isn't this canon? WHHHY?! TELL ME WHY CAPCOM! Umm...excuse my rant...
JordanPhoenix chapter 9 . 7/27/2017
One of the greatest things about reading a good piece of fiction is when you can learn something. For example, I learned about a character from Star Wars whom I didn't know before because I am one of the elusive few who is not a fan but thought it was a hilarious and fitting description once I saw who it was you are referencing! (Inga really has... issues, doesn't he? LOL) And I was only familiar with Rick Astley singing the title song "Never Gonna Give You Up"... Until I checked out the Barry White song you were mentioning during poor Inga's unwished for lovin' scene... And that was when I also learned never to read your stories while consuming any kind of liquid, because the FOURTH thing I learned is that red rave energy drink, being a carbonated subject burns like the dickens coming out of your nose! XD
Side-splitting as is tradition, my friend. A must share with my Latina book club of AA fans once they finally play SOJ! Keep Wrighting, you Ace comedian! :)
Jove's Boy chapter 3 . 6/30/2017
Wow ... I haven't laughed this much since reading JP's chapter of Turnabout Everlasting that dealt with Judge Jughead Chambers! I absolutely HATE Inga, which can make a character a very well-written one, to stir such rage and other unseemly emotions to the surface and beyond! (Though the rage I feel when I consider Wocky, Sal, or Dr. Hotti, OR ANY SHIPS BETWEEN THEM - and heaven forbid a threesome! - means nothing. They are just TERRIBLE characters.) I like what you've done with Inga here. He does clearly dote on his daughter and considers her fully HIS daughter. I loved the nod to Turnabout Everlasting's scene where Trucy and Pearls become women at pretty much the same moment and was entertained by Inga's internet use. And seeing Queen Ga'ran as the ultimate sex machine, FULLY LOCKED AND LOADED, was hilarious! And it makes so much sense.

Looking forward to reading more! Which I will do ... NOW. (DUN DUN DUN ... )
PierceTheVeils chapter 8 . 6/10/2017
I didn't realize I never reviewed the last chapter. I laughed at both it and this one though.

Wow, the Plumed Punisher show actually reminded me of some of the shows from my childhood. So terrible it's funny. And Inga and Ga'ran's bickering is always a treat. Thank you for this fanfiction, truly.
JordanPhoenix chapter 8 . 6/8/2017
A fat manatee and amoeba genitalia?! Heeee! I swear to God the queen and Inga are like monkeys flinging poo at each other and I have been loving every second of it!

I also did get a kick out of how otaku CrimsonProsecutor92 (I knew I went to the right guy when I was in need of clever screen handles for my own work!)
was the one who finds the Plumed Punisher an outrage, yet unwitting gave the minister the research he needed to shamelessly rip off The Steel Samurai! XD
Hilarious as always! :)
JordanPhoenix chapter 7 . 5/11/2017
I heard the banjos playing during the side-splitting Deliverance scene with the evil "boomerang"... A great alternative chapter name would have been "Freak Out and Resigned" (the second name took a few extra seconds but very clever Punny Boy!)

Wizards sleeve...cold...good God I will never look at Harry Potter books the same way again! XD

Your funniest chapter yet! I was delighted when the notifications seem to have started working again to let me know that this gem had been updated! Keep it up!
LemonSmoothie chapter 6 . 3/30/2017
That final line was my favorite.
And I loved seeing the younger versions of Inga, Dhurke, and the royal sisters. "Stop torturing small animals, Ga'ran, do you see Amara doing that?!" Well, it's not like Ga'ran has any trouble finding cute and small animals that are attracted to Amara. They're kind of proving her point.
Just.InStories chapter 3 . 3/23/2017
Wow, does my laughter know no bounds? I dream of wishing of writing stories like this. I think you're one of the best authors (or at least for Ace Attorney) on this site. Your stories haven't failed to bring at least a smile to my face.
JordanPhoenix chapter 6 . 3/21/2017
I have no words my friend. None. Well I have many, in between the wheezing and snorting which this emanated...gym memberships? Defunct ab machines?! I will never look at the cinnamon in my lattes the same way again without snickering...maybe Inga should have been shouting Goldschlager since they were in a bar? XD

The bloodthirsty spider's treatment of poor Rayfa is wince worthy yet accurate and while I despised the minister and insist he was already a dead man walking even before he was fittingly killed (nice tragic touch making him and Dhurke pals btw!) I do love how you keep torturing him! Fists where the sun don't shine...ouch! LOL
PierceTheVeils chapter 6 . 3/19/2017
I actually kinda like Inga's past self, and the idea of him and Dhurke having this sort of relationship isn't my headcanon, but it appeals to me. That said, I would think Inga had a little more of a hand in his marriage choices, if only for political reasons. Even if he regrets it later, I headcanon him as going along with Ga'ran at first. But this isn't a serious story, so who cares about being in character, am I right?

Gosh, Amara's a jerk at the end. Out of curiosity, why is Inga buying an ostrich?
LemonSmoothie chapter 2 . 2/6/2017
I don't hate Ahlbi, but I do admit to laughing a little harder than I should when he has the "falling over" animation. And I don't hate Shah'do, but I think Constantine from the crossover beat him in the "cute little fuzzball" category.
I find it hilarious that Inga pictured Dhurke on a throne of briars and skulls. I kind of wonder how Inga pictured his own throne if he were to succeed at taking over the country.
And if Dhurke hadn't died, you know he would have been even more fearsome than Inga when it came to Rayfa and suitors.
Anyway, that was a hilarious rendition of the Ten Simple Rules.
And this makes me wonder if Nahyuta should have been more psychologically screwed up than he already is/was. Not just having to proofread the Ten Rules, but having to buy "those things" for Rayfa in the next chapter. Oh, and getting beaten up by Rayfa, but lots of guys get beaten up by their sisters.
Anyway, all of this totally happened in my headcanon now. Sneaking cookies, Ga'ran possibly making frogs an endangered species in Khura'in, Inga not realizing he got advice from Phoenix via the Almighty Internet, all of it.
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