Reviews for My Blood No Matter What
Leah Cody chapter 4 . 3/23/2019
Please use spell check. A reader should not have to stop and figure out what you are meaning to say. Even the name of your protagonist is spelt wrongly.
E white chapter 1 . 12/28/2018
Please clean up your writing , check for the basics before you send it out to the world. Any enjoyment of storyline is hampered by careless usage of words that causes the reader to stop and search for clarity.
Bijoux53 chapter 14 . 7/1/2018
He's awake at last.
Hooray! :)
Bijoux53 chapter 13 . 7/1/2018
Mr. Butler's reassuring sixth sense. :)
MagpieBlues chapter 14 . 5/21/2018
Oh lovely! I've enjoyed this story immensely, and soo glad he's A-okay...I love these two sleuth's and Jack's parents, of course Jane. I'm very eager to know the continuation. Thank you kindly!
Capricorn chapter 14 . 5/21/2018
Excellent! It's getting better and better and you never disappoint. It's like a warm Hug...thank you, Heidi for sharing and updating. You're awesome!
bonnieblue39 chapter 14 . 5/21/2018
Loving it!
gentledove2 chapter 14 . 5/21/2018
Thank you for updating this story. I really enjoyed this last story and i am so looking forward to the next installment. I hope that nasty Rosie Sanderson gets what she in prison!
Marilyn B chapter 13 . 10/4/2017
Love the musings of Phryne. The scene where Jack's parents visited was poignant. His parents are lovely and I'm glad they met Phryne. This chapter was pitch perfect. Please update when you can. Good luck to you!
Lilliebelle chapter 13 . 10/4/2017
You did a wonderful job writing this. You captured all the feels. I love Jack's parents already.
You have to do what you have to do. I appreciate you for updating, but real life is more important. I'm curious to see what's next whenever it's possible. I'll patiently wait. Thank you.
DutchGirlxxx chapter 13 . 10/4/2017
I am so glad you returned to your story. It is an amazing story. I hoped that you would started this chapter with the reaction of Rosie and her arrest. But mayby you could tell it as a story Phryne is going to tell Jack after he wakes up. Thanks for the update and I hope to see a new one soon
propangel chapter 13 . 10/4/2017
Thank you so much for updating! :) This is great
propangel chapter 12 . 9/4/2017
Is there going to be more to this story? It's great thus far, and I hope there's more. Please update soon
NancyMay chapter 12 . 8/26/2017
Never did like Rosie. Are you going to update? Pretty please!
Bijoux53 chapter 12 . 8/12/2017
I didn't guess it was Rosie! :0
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