The City South Police station was oddly quiet for the day, with no murder to be heard off and a certain Miss Phryne Fischer not waltzing in and out of the place.


Her name hung in Detective Inspective Jack Robinson head, if someone had told him 3 years ago that that he would spend his days missing her. But miracles do happen.

He declared his love for her all those months before hand when she flew away to England for her father and they spent the many following months sending letters between them constantly as he wished he could go after her like she wanted but work had not allowed it so he stayed. Of course, Phryne understood why he couldn't come but he felt bad so he spent his days checking on her daughter, Jane. Obviously it wasn't official but anyone who saw the pair knew it was a mother daughter relationship.

Jack and Jane had gotten close over the month Phryne was away. He learnt what it was like to have a child- not that you can call her a child anymore, at the age of 16- and he loved her like a daughter not that that information had been heard by anyone.

When Phryne finally returned to sunny Melbourne, he had feared she had moved on from him but his worries vanished when she launched herself into her arms as soon as he stepped out of the car at their air field when she landed.

That was many months ago and their relationship had only gotten stronger, but for the sake of the job only imitate family knew. Jane, Dot, Cec and Bert, Hugh, Mac and Aunt Prudence even if she was sworn to secrecy.

Jack shook his head of his thoughts and turned back to his paperwork only 2 hours to go before he could go see her.

Outside, the precinct door swung open and slammed against the wall, Jack heard Hugh gasp and rush around his desk and as he rose from his seat to see the trouble Hugh's voice rang out.

"INSPECTOR! It's your daughter!"

Daughter? I don't have a daughter… JANE!

Jack heart quickened in fear as he ran out his door. He stopped in his track.

Jane lent against Hugh: her cloths turn, bruises already littering her face and one eye swollen shut. Jack ran forward and swept Jane into his arms as her eyes closed shut and she went limp in his arms.
