Reviews for A Christmas Conversation
Guest chapter 1 . 10/5/2019
This was super-duper cute!
Demiwizard dragon girl chapter 1 . 1/2/2017
Baby Alive insults? My respect for you has grown...
Teekl chapter 1 . 2/13/2016
Oh, I couldn't stop laughing the entire time I was reading this!
Woody and Bo are adorable as usual, and completely in-character, with Woody getting all worked up over something and then Bo coaxing him back into tranquility. The commercials were totally believable. Lovely one-shot. Faved!
Mustard Lady chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
Woody, you grouch. I have to admit though, the commercials can quickly become very old, especially when you've seen it at least 36 times in one day, unless you find one that interests you. Sounds like Woody was feeling personally threatened, a little sensitive there.

"How did you get so smart, Bo?" he says. Ha, ha. That's easy, Woody. She observes your reactions which sometimes are annoying and knows better than to act like you in that case, no offense. I really admire Woody. But he can be such a reactionary sometimes that all you can do is roll your eyes or grin and shake your head. I was just waiting for Bo to say the right thing that would settle him down!
Daylight4361 chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
haha, change the oil and decode hieroglyphs. oh Woody, there's a reason you're my favorite. loved the story, and who *hasn't* watched these type of commercials and had this conversation?