Reviews for In From the Cold
holyscythe chapter 73 . 6/23/2018
i really like this story and i love how the interact with one another.
i am a new fan, i realy want to know how will it go with bucky why does he feel not so good.
the cliffhanger is killing me i want to know.
from a new fan that want to more chapters of this aweosme story.
have a nice day.
Violet chapter 73 . 5/28/2017
This is brilliant. So many twists and turns whilst staying true to the characters. But I thought it was finished! I'm quite new to fanfic (only recently got home internet) so when I saw 73 chapters I thought it must be complete. Please don't give up writing it - we all need to know what happens! Particularly like the the interactions between Bruce and Bucky - kindness and understanding even though they don't have the answers.
Alva Moondancer chapter 73 . 7/2/2016
I have so many things to say about this story!

Number 1, absolutely fantastic job. I just went back and read the entire thing and it's kept me up late at night because it's impossible to put down.

Number 2, it's about time that some of the sexual tension cleared up. :)

Number 3, is Natasha aromantic, because I'm totally getting that vibe from her?

Number 4, you are amazing at writing relationships.

Number 5, I'm so glad you are writing this.

Number 6, I love your writing.

Number 7, keep up the wonderful work. :)
Qweb chapter 73 . 7/1/2016
He's sick! No wonder he wasn't hungry.
Qweb chapter 72 . 5/16/2016
It's been so long! I missed you. This was fun to read. Vicarious glass smashing is also cathartic.
I hope the coursework went well.
ancientmaverick chapter 71 . 4/30/2016
Sergeant York came out in 1941. Just sayin'. Loving the story!
starfire25 chapter 71 . 3/13/2016
interesting story. i like it.
Guest chapter 71 . 1/14/2016
Glad to see you back! I really enjoy buckys emotional state in this chapter. Attraction is wierd and when you dont understand yourself its frustrating.
Qweb chapter 71 . 1/10/2016
Sergeant York, Sergeants 3, No Time for Sergeants. Sergeant Preston (but that was TV).
It's been so long! I thought you'd given up on this fic.
Poor Bucky. He spills everything he'd like to keep secret.
MO-5431 chapter 70 . 8/15/2015
Awesome chapter. Thank you for the entertainment, have a fantastic day.
101Asa chapter 70 . 8/14/2015
beverlie4055 chapter 70 . 8/14/2015
love itt
Qweb chapter 70 . 8/14/2015
Bucky has a beacon beckoning Hydra. Maybe our heroes an use that to their advantage.
Love the idea of skimming from Hydra and sowing dissension at the same time.
Qweb chapter 69 . 8/4/2015
Steve and Phil maybe went a little overboard confronting Bucky and Clint, but they knew both their guys were upset when they left.
Love the fact Mage of the two big soldiers cuddled like kittens.
Alva Moondancer chapter 69 . 8/4/2015
Steve and Bucky are so cute together! I'm loving your story.
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