Author has written 2 stories for Star Wars, and Harry Potter. I live in an asylum plotting to dominate the universe. What else is there to say? ;) I am 29 years old white male looking for love... errr is this place for me to say that? Even if it is all true, it is not the place for this. I have few stories in the pipeline, most of them are Star wars but one of them is also a short Harry Potter story. I am reediting my stories, including Phoenix as I am unhappy with how it is going, too many plots and horrible writings. I am trying to clean it out. Star Wars - Favorite Character Anakin Skywalker Favorite Pairings - Anakin/Padme, Obi-Wan/Siri Despised pairing - Obi-Wan/Padme - most of these stories tend to be extremely out of character for most of characters and nearly always demonize Anakin. Kim Possible - Favorite Character Ron Stoppable Zorpox (Evil Ron) Favorite Pairing - Kim/Ron, Ron/Tara, Ron/Bonnie and in no particular order (depends on my mood) Harry Potter - Favorite Character Harry Potter Ginny Weasley Lesser favorite characters - Neville Longbottom Luna Lovegood Favorite Pairing - Harry/Ginny - they are soul mates, period. No other for Harry or Ginny. If there are, other must be out of picture and not in story much. To be honest, I used to like Harry/Hermione and Harry/Luna so I don't find these pairing repulsive but I no longer find it interesting or fitting for them. These days, I see Hermione and Luna more as sisters to Harry. Prefered Pairing - Neville/Luna, Hermione/Ron but I am not strict with these pairings. I also enjoy it when Harry and Ginny are both Parselmouth. I think it would be cool and special for them to share this gift. I also don't read stories where Harry and/or Ginny are slut or having affairs. It is not in their character. I also don't enjoy stories where the conflict between them are central to story. They are not Ron and Hermione ;) Then again, I tend to believe that when loved ones fight, they still love each other next day; so I despise stories where people consistently breaking up then back together then break up then back together. Back to point, I just don't see either Harry or Ginny would take their love for grant. To be honest, I think that while J.K Rowling is a good writer, she is poor at love and romance. Good at puppy crush but not beyond. Yes, there are subtle hints for Harry and Ginny, however she did not build it up at all. That annoys me a bit when I read Harry Potter in past, I knew Harry/Ginny was coming based on the subtle hints throughout books, even the first book, but there was nothing until the sixth book. I think some of writers at here Fanfiction are better than J.K. Rowlings in some of area. Practically only thing I think she did right was that your love might be right under your nose. Naruto- Favorite pairing- Naruto/Sakura -I also enjoy any other pairings, depending on my moods. Only thing I am neutral on with is Naruto/Hinata, because unless Hinata has a large development, I don't think they would match up well. The exception is if she is second or third wife (limited polygamy if it is allowed for Naruto) as she could balance with other wife (only as fellow sister, as I don't enjoy yuri) and Naruto well in that case, especially if it is Naruto/Sakura/Hinata. I will not read any slash (including yuri or girl on girl stuff). I just don't like these. |