![]() Author has written 33 stories for Naruto, and Devil May Cry. A bit about myself: I simply write for personal pleasure on Fan-Fiction—there's nothing more to it than that. In other words, I write what I'd enjoy reading. My original writing(s) will always be my top-most priority. Currently, I’m writing mostly for Naruto. I’m thinking of writing something for Resident Evil and Devil May Cry, too, but I hardly find the time these days; and without finishing Vehemence, such ventures are out of the question. My (Naruto) stories almost always centre on (or concern) Sasuke (one of my most favourite characters in my invisible "Best Characters' List", which includes Literary characters such as Satan from Paradise Lost, Captain Ahab from Moby-Dick, Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights, Medea from Medea, so on and so forth), one way or another; so if you dislike him, you won’t enjoy my stories. Not one bit. The One-Shots I write are mostly bizarre, morbid, or ghastly by nature—my sense of humour is quite peculiar. Not everyone will like it. (I poke fun at various facets of Naruto-Fandom quite often—why? No reason; I just enjoy doing it, immensely.) If you have any questions (or grievances), you can contact me without hesitation via Fan-Fiction's tedious Private-Messaging service. The only social-media site I use (aside of Facebook which is strictly utilised for office-work) is Discord. So if you want your questions or grievances answered (or just want to talk), you can contact me on Discord, without any issues. I accept all friend-requests thrown my way. No, really! Here's my Discord ID: Daastan Go#1871 Here's a link to a writers and readers' server: discord . gg / jaVx ENC P.s: I'm no longer offering any criticism and editing help, so there's no point in asking me about them. Fan-Fiction and the Hogwash Morality on Sexual Content: The following paragraph has been added to the AN in Vehemence's first chapter: "Vehemence's also quite erotic, lurid, even obscene at times as many aspects of sexual dynamics are explored in intimate details; and, whilst the story at no point breaches the domain of incest (which I religiously abhor), not even in passing, it doesn't shy away from the exploration of the individual characters' psycho-sexual impulses that weave through the elements of the work; so if you're uncomfortable with the aforementioned content that makes up a significant part of the narrative, this story isn't for you." Since, apparently, a plethora of warnings in the first chapter aren't enough for some, I've decided to include this to end this infantile complaint (delivered by many God-fearing Guest reviewers) once and for all. That should do the trick—hopefully. If not, then some readers' stupidity is clearly beyond the pale at this point. Also, I find it fascinating how poorly written murder, genocide, and slaughter (which is committed and/or experienced by children in many a illustrious Fan-Fiction) is fine and dandy; but Lord forbid it if people decide to exchange a little fluid here and there, then everyone's mother, dog, and God are offended; also, pasted-on wigs fly, buttocks clench and knickers drop, and mouths froth in indignation. Horror of horrors! Won't someone think of the poor, innocent children and how sex's utterly corrupting their chaste minds? Let's do it for the poor, poor, poor children who "obviously" haven't had their eyes buggered by the collective cocks of Itachi sodomising his under-aged brother in every incestuous fiction, little Chūnin boys pulling down the shorts of other reluctant Chūnin boys amidst "No!" pained bellows whilst they bleed out from their anuses (so hot—they'd kiss and make up come fifth chapter, silly!), and gibbering pink-haired utterly common dames being mounted by adult hotties ("KakaSaku isn't grooming!" they'd swear upon their mothers' graves)—sometimes, non-consensually by the Uchiha patriarch because it's super "daarrrk" and super-est sexy! Now, now, let's not judge: these female authors are coping and getting their grooves back! The sanctimonious pricks are aimed at no one else's back-channels, but theirs; and once they go in and piss out moral platitudes in loose, flowing textual details, they're there to stay! Stay safe! Politics and Minority Rights: Condemn the atrocities, pogroms, and genocides committed by the apartheid, genocidal states of Israel, India, and Myanmar against the people of Palestine, Kashmir, and Rohingya. These military-based slow and calculated genocides are backed and funded by Israel, who's put the people of Palestine in an open prison, poisoned their waters, and bombed them relentlessly. (This has been covered by several news outlets!) Speak out. Don't remain silent. Boycott the products from these countries to send a message. If you remain silent, you're no better than the people who perpetrate these atrocities. Remember, silence is as good as complicity! Environmental Preservation Initiatives/Activities: Since I hope to reach out to as many people as possible and learn along the way, I've created a Discord Server where people can engage in such discussions and make efforts to mobilise people on a community level. It isn't much, but something's better than nothing in my eyes. Anyone is free to join: discord . gg / RU8k 7JT With the heart-breaking news of Amazon's mass-scale deforestation, I believe it's time (for me and others) to accept that most people only care for self-interests, nothing more; and asking most people to make any difference to the preservation of the environment at large, which only affects poverty-stricken areas, is a fool's errand. People practice selective-empathy and selective-morality; they aren't actually empathetic or moral; otherwise, we wouldn't have people openly voting for politicians that support genocidal regimes in countries like Israel (Palestine), India (Kashmir), Myanmar (Rohingya), etc. They simply do so out of self-interest but adore being incredibly preachy about progressive ideals that concern these concepts, alongside fiction, media, and more! (The war-mongering America is truly the shining beacon of selective-everything, but that's a topic for another day.) I can't say that this doesn't tickle my misanthropic side quite a bit, but I do believe that not every person is a soul-less, capitalism-worshiping arsehole at heart, an economic system that has destroyed the environment and promoted other "nice" ventures such as pogroms, genocides, economic-slavery, and other "people-friendly" concepts. Weapon's industry, war machine, free-market western hegemony, etc., are a thing, folks. (Girls in Bangladesh [and other third-world countries] experience painful abortions and regular-beatings whilst working in dehumanising working-conditions in factories that make cheap products for the first-world, more-civilized nations whilst a privileged, status-quo-loving "White Feminist" screams and creates pages-long posts about sexism in fictions on Tumblr! Won't someone think of the "fictional women" like Sakura and her tears that she couldn't receive the limited-edition Uchiha-cock when she needed it most? How scandalous! Gal Godot, the IDF-supporting two-dime-worth three-channels-licensed up-tucking whore, is so brave for masquerading as a superhero! She truly turned the tides of women-rights world-over whilst standing behind an apartheid state that hunts/guns down innocent women and children for sport [they even have live-theatres for all-out bombings; front-row seats right atop cliffs!]; but she's so, so brave in that CGI movie! She ate ice-cream without the male-gaze [cue a twenty-pages-long post on Tumblr]! Incredible! So fucking brave! See, even the little American girls [future arseholes] cry when she sits in comic-cons! So on and so forth.) So I thought that I should reach as many people from here as possible. I'm an obscure writer; however, I think this venture is worth the effort. Here are the small things you can do to improve upon the environment: 1- I implore people to plant at least one tree per month, or, at least, one tree every three months. Look for areas with recovering plant-life. You don't know what difference you'd make to the environment with this small effort. Do this as a community. 2- Limit your meat in-take. It's one of the leading causes of deforestation, pollution, and environmental destruction. This might sound insane, but truth can be stranger than fiction. Reduce your meat in-take to once or twice a weak. It won't kill you. Trust me, it won't. 3- Animals, too, have sentience and deserve compassion. Billions of animals (above 65 billion, to be precise; and according to some reports, the numbers are above 150 billion!) are slaughtered each year. (Vast sections of oceans are also being turned into watery-deserts due to nets that are as wide as 75 miles.) These animals are subjected to unfathomable cruelty to satisfy taste-buds. Show empathy. Take a stand against this. You don't have to turn into an all-out Vegan, but you can put fetters on your consumerist mentality. There's nothing worse than hyper-consumerism: Worldwatch reports that worldwide annual expenditures for cosmetics total U.S. $18 billion; the estimate for annual expenditures required to eliminate hunger and malnutrition is $19 billion; expenditures on pet food in the United States and Europe total $17 billion a year; the estimated cost of immunizing every child, providing clean drinking water for all, and achieving universal literacy is $16.3 billion. (This isn't "fake-news" or "conspiracy" like some 4-Chan/8-Chan/Tumblr-frequenting monkey would have you believe!) 4- Try and limit your energy-usage. Walk often. You don't need to take out your car for every damn thing. 5- You don't need latest i-phones, smart-phones, laptops, televisions, etc. Try and use one that lasts as long as possible. Buy second-hand. The metals required for the manufacturing of many electronic products are rare, and once they're used-up, they're disposed off in poverty-stricken areas where people farm them just to survive whilst surrounded by unimaginable pollution caused to the environment. Many of these metals are mined from poor countries. Just ask how the poor miners (many of whom are children as young as six!) in Congo, whilst they stand knee-deep in mud and inhale toxic air, feel about getting little to nothing (as little as $0.65 per day) for their misery-ridden lives whilst you enjoy your latest i-phones! It's so easy to make claims about being progressives with empathy, compassion, and morality, isn't it? Typing on the computer is the easiest thing in the world! (Tumblr and Twitter "White-Progressives" assemble! A five-minute post to make such an earth-shattering difference in the world, but we won't quit our i-phones, our life-lines! We're generous and forward-thinking, folks!) Be practical. Shun the lifestyles devoted to the accumulation of non-essential goods. 6- Support politicians that support the environment. Urge them to make legislation for safeguarding the environment. Before I end this small portion, I'll say this, boldly: don't make everything about yourself; no one is more important than the sustenance of life on earth, decent-living for the poor, and Eco-diversity in general. Practice empathy. Don't just preach it. Words are empty till you don't walk the talk. One "You" won't make any difference, but a million "You's" surely will. Regards. |