Reviews for Naruto and Sakura's Rise: A Story of an Unfortunate Pair!
DanzoTrump chapter 3 . 3/21
One thing I don't get is why would anyone use an alt to comment hate or disapproval on fanfiction of all things like you're anon anyway and this is fuckin anime. . .
KakaSaku016 chapter 1 . 2/28
I don't know you made this just purely fun or you just got butthurt because sasuke always got bashed too many times like 90% especially in itasaku fic or naruharem fic...
DarkeDragonBoss chapter 2 . 2/24
This is amazing, please continue. I haven't laughed so hard in a while.
Moresbp chapter 1 . 2/15
Three things

1. Your stories are guilty of what you attempt to parody poorly here

2. You might say that’s the point but if you’re going to try and do a parody you could at least put some effort into it this is honestly worse than the stories you’re attempting to parody at least there’s some heart there and they actually care about what they’re writing about

3. Basically my take away from this is you’re a spiteful little weirdo who is completely okay with pretending to be a version of Sasuke that has never existed but when other people want to have fantasies you become all pissy and start talking about “OOC” and Kishimoto’s original intent for the characters that clearly didn’t matter to you when you turned Sasuke into a Mandingo that gets all the ladies including Naruto‘s wife just to fulfill your weird desire to be this fictional character but when other people do it to Naruto it bothers you?

4. Basically go see a therapist my guy you’re a loser and you’ll never be Sasuke
draftmock33 chapter 7 . 2/12
draftmock33 chapter 6 . 2/12
draftmock33 chapter 5 . 2/12
draftmock33 chapter 4 . 2/12
draftmock33 chapter 3 . 2/12
literally your entire personality is based around pretending to be a version of Sasuke that has never existed lmfao sad asf
draftmock33 chapter 2 . 2/12
But somehow it’s unacceptable when other people do it? Lmfao you worthless edge boy
draftmock33 chapter 1 . 2/12
Lmfao you’re the edgy loser who writes Sasuke self inserting fics

Lmfao pathetic loser
Huhhuh chapter 1 . 2/9
It’s funny because you’re the edgy loser who wrote 76 chapters where you pretend to be a Mandingo Sasuke who seduces all the ladies and has everything go his way but it’s different when you do it right? Ha ha ha ha you pathetic loser
Guest chapter 6 . 1/8
Lol, damn the last chapter was good. Nothing beats the first one tho. This fic literally explains the crazy losers who write Naruto harem, OP, genius Naruto fanfics, where they literally make Naruto a Sasuke copy with a harem. Literally 90 percent of these naruto fanfics are total shit. Please do continue this fic.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/3
Just stop
Guest chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
hey, guess what? Sasuke fucking sucks and so do you m80
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