Author has written 11 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Mob Psycho 100/モブサイコ100, and Hunter X Hunter.
Here's where I'll dump my best efforts. Enjoy!
[If you have any fic requests, please feel free to send them (you can PM me your request or write it in the reviews of any of my fics). Writing is always easiest to do when working off a prompt, and I'd like to have more excuses to write]
UPCOMING FICS (who knows if I'll ever finish them):
One Punch Man:
—Metal Bat character study / origin story
—Angsty collection of Genos and Dr. Kuseno interactions with a hint of SaiGenos
—Minato's journey through the afterlife. Psychological, trippy, experimental, complicated
—Naruto and Ashura sort of (?) share the same body, are aware of each other, and do not get along
—Angsty fic of Kakashi's inward struggle with Team 7
—Biography of Kurama. Basically the history of the ninja world, a compilation of all my Naruto headcanons that no one ever asked for. EPIC in length. The least likely thing on this list to ever be finished
—Fic wherein Sasuke is crazy and does crazy things
—The story of how Ashura and Indra broke apart. Very different from what the canon suggests and definitely not whatever you're expecting
—A proper NaruSasu. Groundbreaking stuff, I know
Hunter x Hunter:
—An exploration of Gon's psyche during the Chimera Ant arc
—Hisoka's reflections on Machi, Gon, and Chrollo. Uncomfortably sexual, because it's Hisoka
—An exploration of the Phantom Troupe as a single entity and Kurapika as well. Character study-ish
—Post-canon tale of Gon and chimera ant Kite going on an adventure to Hell. Literally. With lots of KilluGon angst, because I can't help myself. This one is especially exciting, and I will actually try to finish it
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
—A collection of scenes from the untold portion of Jonathan and Dio's childhood. Also, some other stuff. It's not very well-organized
—Trish's grief after the end of Part 5. Angst with a capital "A"
—Mountain Tim's meditations on his unrequited love
—Johnny character study with cameos from our home-boy Jesus
—Dio's slow recovery and transformation pre-Part 3. How Dio becomes DIO, basically
Mob Psycho 100:
—Mob is not normal, and Ritsu observes
—Documentation of the death of Dimple
—Backstory for Psycho Jenny
Dragon Ball Z:
—A tale of Trunks doing his best not to rip his hair out while trapped in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Vegeta
—A what-if fic where Vegeta was born as a lady. The violence verges on torture-porn
Hajime no Ippo:
—Kamogawa angst over Ippo's health. There's so much fertile ground here, man; I can't believe nobody's written about it yet
—A weird Itagaki/Ippo, with Itagaki's fanboy tendencies thoroughly dissected
Revolutionary Girl Utena:
—A what-if fic where Utena was born as a boy. Another one that I'll never finish
Ashita no Joe (I don't think there's even a category for this anime/manga on this site, wtf):
—A what-if fic where Joe was born as a lady, because I'm not original with my ideas, and I don't have enough shame to stop myself from recycling the same concept three times over
—Yoko-centric fic with plenty of Joe/Yoko angst
Lupin III:
—Jigen-centric fic with plenty of Jigen/Lupin angst
Neon Genesis Evangelion:
—Shinji meets Lillith the first time he gets melted and has a sort-of conversation with her