Author has written 15 stories for Lord of the Rings. January 26, 2009: Chapter 13 is finished and I have just posted here and also at my livejournal (link below). June 10, 2008: Chapter 12 is finished and I have just posted here and also at my livejournal (link below). April 21, 2008: Chapter 11 is finished and I have posted here and at my livejournal (link below). I am sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience. Oct 26, 2006: Just a quick update to those of you who have been waiting for Chapter 11 of Another's Guilt: Chapter 11 is about 75 percent done, but there is a reason that I have not completed it as yet: I haven't been in the best of health and now my mother is seriously ill, too. She is steadily improving, but she needs my help on a daily basis. I will not abandon this story as I love it, too; but it will take a bit longer to get it ready for posting. Thanks for your understanding in advance and thanks for sticking with me and the story. I just wanted everyone to know. Thanks, Patty. July 2, 2006: I would like to make a statement to any who are curious about me or my stories; this update is mainly in response to an anonymous 'reviewer' who identified themselves as KEKE. Even though I write genfic drabbles/fics centering around Estel (Aragorn) as a small child and also ones about Boromir and Faramir's relationship as brothers, I AM FIRST AND FOREMOST A SLASH WRITER. I came to LotR fanfiction because I wanted to read ARAGORN/LEGOLAS SLASH fanfiction and I now write ARAGORN/LEGOLAS SLASH fanfiction. This KEKE person flamed my story 'Beginning' by telling me that she/he found it the most 'disturbing' thing that they had everread and that I should re-write it immediately or stop writing altogether; they finished by telling me that I need to 'get a life!' All of this is very laughable and sad because she/he not only read the story through, but they took the time to flame me about it despite all of my slash warnings (leaving a fake email address to boot!). SO THIS IS FOR OTHERS WHO MAY DECIDE TO READ AND FLAME MY WORK: DON'T! I WRITE A/L SLASH FICTION AND IN MY FICTION THAT FEATURE ARAGORN/LEGOLAS, THEY WILL ALWAYS END UP TOGETHER--ALWAYS! ARAGORN WILL NEVER CHOOSE ARWEN OVER LEGOLAS--EV-ER! SO DON'T EXPECT IT. IF YOU DON'T LIKE SLASH THEN DON'T READ MY FICTION; IT IS SIMPLE AS THAT BECAUSE I MAKE NO APOLIGIES FOR MY WRITINGS. End of discussion. Hi. I am Patty, an adult female living in Phenix City, Alabama and I am new to fanfiction writing and I am a lot older than most slash writers—I will not let that stop me. I love M/M slash stories and my favorite fandom this Lord of the Rings; and my favorite pairing is Aragorn/Legolas. I have been known to read stories pairing Legolas and Boromir or Legolas and Original (male) Fictional Characters. I also enjoy others such as Faramir/ Haldir and RPF of Viggo/Orlando. I have posted my first short ficlet and two multi-chapter fics, one a sequel. While I feel that these are hardly the greatest of fiction, I think that they are pretty good (and very sappy and sweet). I am already working on another piece that will be filled with more angst and more sex than my first ones which are rated G-PG and one that goes to R. my future fics will be PG-13 to M (toned down for this site). I invite positive feedback and constructive criticism, which are very helpful and needed to inspire and encourage writers and writing, but flames are just cruel and immature and serve no purpose--JUST SAY NO! Hi. Since I've been receiving reviews for my stories (so far all positives--yay me), I will try and respond to the ANONYMOUS reviewsat my alternate livejournal at http:///. Please feel free to visit my main journal at http:///users/numenora/. So, if no one receives a reply to your feedback or reviews by email, look for them there . I have a new homepage! Pleeeeaaase check it out at the link at the top under my penname and let me know what you think! You can find all of my published LotR fiction there (some not published here due to content and language). You will also find the links to some of my favorite LotR fansites. I WANT TO THANK ALL OF MY LOYAL READERS AND ALL OF MY LOYAL REVIEWERS--YOU ROCK LIKE U2! |