Author has written 10 stories for Naruto, and Inuyasha. I've been on hiatus for all my stories and I am sorry to say I will continue to do so for a while longer. Sorry guys, you've been wonderful readers and some of you guys have been really helpful in your tips, I appreciate that alot. I don't know when or if I'll be updating but I do want to say thanks. You guys are wonderful. RANTS: sorry people I had to get this out there cause this has been the crap I've been dealing with and this has been part of the reason I haven't updated or touched my stories. Meet the dumbasses you have to thank. (Please excuse my language they just annoy me alot. It's nothing against any of you, you all have been wonderful and so for you I haven't taken down this account and maybe I'll update again, I don't know.) To the person who copied all of my Naruto stories (you know who you are), tell your lap dog to back the heck off! And if those "stories" you copied from me aren't down I'll be reporting you for abuse. I'm trying to be nice and keep my stories up but if you keep copying I'll take some stories down, got me? To Grammar Nazi, abviously you didn't get my memo. I don't like flamers AT ALL. So get a freaking clue. I have never been good at grammar, I've apologized for it and said it plenty of times before. Cussing me out because of it will get you know where so BACK OFF AND CUT YOUR SHIT. I don't give a crap. Your little note was rude, immature, and stupid. What are you 2 years old? Grow up and get a life! And if you don't like my stories don't cuss and whine like a dipshit. Just don't read them, no one forced you too. Better yet if you hate amatuers so much then what the hell are you doing on fanfiction? Seriously get the stick out of your ass and NEVER review on my stories or profile again. Don't message me or anything, your not welcome here. Critisisms are fine but you were being a complete asswhole and I hope you cut your shit one day. Whew... heh heh.. now I feel better, lol. |