![]() Author has written 2 stories for Little Witch Academia/リトル ウィッチ アカデミア. Hi! I write romance stories, usually yuri (since that's the most relatable to me), but I'm not opposed to other types of pairings. My favorite ship is Diana x Akko from Little Witch Academia! LWA was the first time I could not stop myself from writing in a fandom, as I usually try to write my own things. My other OTPs are Rei x Minako (Sailor Moon) and Ruby x Weiss (RWBY), but I don't have any plans for fics of them anytime soon. I have a blog at , but I'm not updating it as often as I should. My own stories I'm working on include a college romance, high school vampire lesbians, and a gender bender isekai. I release fanfic and web chapters without much proofing or editing, but anything that is getting published for sale goes through the whole shebang and is much higher quality. Future LWA projects include a novelization of S1 and additionally a smutification of S1 (though that last one won't be posted here . . .). |