Skiver Starlight
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Joined 10-17-05, id: 915230, Profile Updated: 01-27-12
Author has written 1 story for Star Fox.

What's up everybody my name is Brent and I love to write stories. I'm currently working on one called Star Fox: Lylat War II. I'm 19 and a Freshman at Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches TX! I play the French Horn in the Wind Symphony and I'm the Co-Principal at the moment.

I'm generally a happy person 99.999 of the time, I love to read stories as well as write them. I also STILL design rollercoasters (just for fun) on my laptop. Here are just a few facts about me. Also feel free to e-mail me I love to talk to people, I don't care if you're younger than me, I will alway talk to my fellow fans and anyone else who just wants to say hi. I'm not the kind of person who puts other people down because of their age difference. If you have the MSN Messenger I'm on in ALL the freakin time, so just pop in if you have any comments or questions or just want to chat. I'm under the name of Skiver Starlight.

Im also the co-co host of the Klub Krys Podcast from a website/forum dedicated to Krystal from Starfox Go to iTunes and check out the Klub Krys podcast! SUBSCRIBE! IT'S TOTALLY FREE...if you like us that much! X3

Name: Brent McCloud (believe it or not)

Furname: Skiver Starlight

Age: 24

Gender: Male (last time I checked...heh)

Favorite games from all systems (including PC): SF:Assault, SF:Adventures, SSBM, Legend of Zelda:All of them, Mario Party 1-7, Resident Evil, Doom 3, Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, The Sims 3, Unreal Tournament 2004, Left 4 Dead 1-2

Favorite Color: Blue, Purple and White

Favorite Characters in order: Fox McCloud, Krystal, Link, Mario and others, just about all of them I like equally except these first 4 I like the most.

Car I drive: Midnight Blue 2010 Mustang HOT!!!

Adopted: Yep 6 weeks after birth

I'm A SINGLE FUR and looking!

Music I listen to: Mostly I'm into concert band stuff (being the band geek that I am), but I'm also into Jazz, Pop, Techno, Country, and everything except Rap and anything that has people screaming their lungs off in. That doesn't entertain me...

I am also a furry, proud White Arctic Foxy !


Another thing...i take a REALLY LONG TIME to update fics...mostly because College life gets in the way...and plus i run out of things to write sometime, so i have to think and think and think and think and...yeah. So if you have the patience to wait...please do. Or wait anyway or i'll hunt you down...JUST KIDDING! I lurve all my readers!

Well see y'all around.

--Skiver Starlight--

Star Fox: Lylat War II reviews
Chapter 7 is up...after 3 months of writers block and other things...i'm finnally back...STARLINER IS NOT DEAD! This is a chapter leading up to a HUGE Chapter soon after...This is another Romantic chapter...prepare to have your eyes go O.O
Star Fox - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 29,302 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 10/3/2006 - Published: 10/20/2005 - Fox M., Krystal