![]() Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter, and Diana Wynne Jones. Rawr rawr rawr ("Greetings" in dinosaur)! So, the best thing that I can think of to describe myself is a sarcastic optimist. I think that pretty much sums it all up. Except for my unusual obsession with good books, music, and movies that are quote-able... :) Other stuff? Hmmm... I'm a dancer and a huge Boston Red Sox fan and I'm a dork... So, I love fantasy books! Like, Harry Potter (obviously), LOTR (obviously), His Dark Materials, Narnia, Tamora Pierce, etc... They're just so fun to read!! I'm kind of obsessed with the group McFly right now... I mean, their songs are just happy songs. You can't not be happy while listening to them! I'm also slightly obsessed with Jack and Ianto from Torchwood. They are just so adorable!! AWWWWWWWW!! Whenever I'm upset or bored, I think of them and immediately, I get this big, goofy smile plastered on my face! I love to laugh. More than almost anything else! I love books that make you think, music that makes you feel, and people who make you laugh. My icons: J.R.R. Tolkien (the man is a genius), C.S. Lewis(he started the whole fantasy for kids thing), Phillip Pullman (have you read his books??), Batman (just wicked awesome, ok?), the Doctor (I wich I could be that smart... and have a sonic screwdriver...), the whole crew of Serenity (they're just so cool... so kickass!), Cassandra Clare (started off as a fanfictioner and published her own books, which are wicked by the way), Michael Phelps (I think that almost everyone in the US loves him right about now, that is August 2008, but I just really admire him... he obviously worked ridiculously hard and sacrificed a lot to get to where he is and now he's won more gold metals than any other athlete and he's won more gold metals in one Olympics than any other athlete and that is quite a feat!), Favorite couples of all time: - Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter) - Lyra/Will (His Dark Materials) -Daine/Numair (The Immortals Quartet) -Aly/Nawat (Trickster's Series) -Piper/Leo (Charmed) - Gemma/Kartik (The Gemma Doyle Trilogy) - Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter) - Eowyn/Faramir (The Lord of the Rings) - Will/Elizabeth (Pirates of the Caribbean) - Westley/Buttercup (The Princess Bride) - Howl/Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle) - James/Lily (Harry Potter) - Sephy/Callum (Naughts and Crosses) -Elizabeth/Darcy (Pride and Prejudice) - Luciano/Ariana (Stravaganza) - Aragorn/Arwen (Lord of the Rings) - Rose/Scorpius (Harry Potter) - Jack/Ianto (Torchwood) - Chris/Jal (Skins) - Zima/Dita (Chobits) - Clark/Lois (you honestly have to ask?) - Brian/Justin (Queer As Folk) Some quotes to leave you with... "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see." -- Arthur Schopenhauer "The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." -- Voltaire "By the pricking of my thumbs/ Something wicked this way comes." -- Witch #2, Macbeth "The more you live the less you will die." -- Carbon Leaf "If you were half as funny as you thought you are, you boy, you'd be twice as funny as you actually are." -- Madame Dorothea, City of Bones "In my professional opinion, the city's lost it's freakign mind!" -- Morris, Charmed "Sad is happy for deep people." -- ed Sally Sparrows, Doctor Who "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" -- Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows "A coward dies many times before his death. The valiant never taste of death but once." "To the Ratmobile, Bobin!" "Good riddance to bad rubbish." -- Robin of Loxley, Robin Hood: Men in Tights "Do you know what the definition of a hero is? Someone who gets other people killed. You can look it up later." -- Zoe, Serenity "Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya! You killed my father! Prepare to die!" -- Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride "It is our choices, Harry, far more than our abilities that tell us who we really are." -- Albus Dumbledore "I read because one life is not enough and in the pages of a book I can be anyone." "He's into pushing dominoes... with men! They push them ontop of each other!" -- Simon Amstel, Nevermind the Buzzcocks "Wouldn't you like to come with me? Go surfin' the sun as it starts to rise!" -- Stargirl, McFly "I'm gonna make a super-sonic man outta you!" Don't Stop Me Now, Queen "You gotta have a little rock and roll music to get you through the stormy weather." -- Feelin' Satisfied, Boston "Lookin' back with no regrets/ To forgive is to forget/ I want a little peace of mind to turn to." -- Be Good To Yourself, Journey "It's very funny cuz I got your fucking money." -- Everything's Just Wonderful, Lily Allen "Do you think those are the miners?" "Of course they're minors, they're like three years old!" "Miners, not minors!" "Ya lost me..." -- Galaxy Quest "Mrs. Peacock was a man?!" -- Mr. Green, Clue "He would have fallen in love with her all over again if he didn't already love her with every fiber of his being." -- The Amber Spyglass "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." The Dark Knight "It chews you up when you feed it, but everyone needs to eat." - Corrupted, McFly "Light a fire and write a sonnet, pin your hopes and your dreams upon it now and come an sing with us." - Home is Where the Heart Is, McFly It's not enough to bash in heads. You've got to bash in minds - Joss Whedon, Zack Whedon, Maurissa Tancharoen, and Jed Whedon, Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, 2008 Please remember to review! Reviews are lovely and they make me ridiculously happy and wicked excited!:) Cheers, everyone! Jess |