![]() Author has written 37 stories for Gemma Doyle Trilogy, and Harry Potter. Name: Catherine Age: 23 Luna Equus = Moon Horse I am an English major that rides horses and watches Bravo TV reality shows like it's her job. My hobbies include getting paid to ride horses around campus, doing epic things, slacking off, playing World of Warcraft or The Sims, taking naps, stomping around in purple Wellington boots, being awesome, and fighting evil by moonlight. I hate the following: bad grammar, ppl who talkkk likeee disssssss, drivers that leave their directionals on, banana noises, and people who are louder than they need to be. I have two tattoos, and I think my feet are well formed. My ears are too. I watch (and love) Adult Swim, Bravo TV reality shows, old sitcoms, and documentaries about really fat and/or disfigured people. My musical tastes are rooted in rock, progressive metal, smooth jazz, classical, pop, 80's and 90's music and Bjork, because she's really a genre all her own. I have a pet rat named Freya (after the Guitar Hero song), a golden retriever named Quincy, and a cat named Belle. I am the original Aquacat, a wannabe Narcissa Black, and Sailor Moon personified (though much more awesome). A perfect day for me is one where I can stay in pajamas all day. Yeah, I play World of Warcraft. Yeah, I'm slightly ashamed of my nerdiness, but no, I don't care about it. For anyone that's interested, I play a Holy Priest named Euphrosyne on the Mannoroth server. Come playyyy with meeee. I like to write what hasn't been written before. I figure that instead of trying to be better at what is already out there, I might as well be the best at what isn't. Sorry for the long absence, but I haven't had the desire to write any AGATB fics. As a result, all AGATB fics are hereby put on an indefinite hiatus. This doesn't mean that they are up for "adoption" in any way, and if I find any more attempts at stealing my ideas without giving credit, I will not be very happy. So I've been THINKING of updating some of my work. Let's see if it happens... |