Author has written 9 stories for Star Wars.
Hello there!
For lack of something better to write here, I'll give a bit of background info on me.
I am a student right now. After completing school I intend to be a journalist. You know, report on what is happening around me. In fact, I would really love to steal Anderson Cooper's job. Do you suppose he'll give it to me?
I love writing fanfiction. I get lost into this little world of the characters and their set stories and I expand on them, twisting them to fit my purposes and adding additional details to make it make sense. I strive to take the ideas laid out before me and create radically different yet fundamentally the same concepts. Review-wise on my fanfics, being told that I've succeeded in that task brings me the most joy out of anything.
With my fanfictions, I've only written KOTOR1 and 2 based stories. I've got ideas floating around my head for a myriad of other tales but I haven't the time to execute these. Plus, Atton and Carth are fabulous and I'm absolutely in love with them both. One could say I have a thing for pilots.
I suppose that's all I have to say. Feel free to PM me for further fanfiction fun conversation!
Current Works in Progress:
A really strange, random, full-of-potential story about Atton.
Also a completely uncharacteristic story, a Lion King fan fiction...although I can't promise that this will ever be finished.