Author has written 8 stories for Lord of the Rings. I+I+I+I+I+I+I+I "Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with, it is a toy and an amusement; then it becomes a mistress, and then it becomes a master, and then a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster, and fling him out to the public." -Winston Churchill I+I+I+I+I+I+I+I Mae govannen! I fell in love with Lord of the Rings after my mom decided to rent the first movie, and if she had known how crazy I would become over Tolkien's works she would never have even thought of bringing home the Fellowship for me to watch. ; ) I love writing mainly gap-fillers and action/adventure stories. Sorry, no graphic romance, slash, or Mary-Sue here. I am a fan of Thranduil, Legolas, Gil-galad, Aragorn, and Elladan & Elrohir fics mainly; if you would like any good stories to read, I recommend any under my favorites list or any of my own. I write what I like to read, so if you are one for battle, hardship, tears, maybe death (but with a happy ending!), I suggest you take a look at my own. Plot-bunnies are currently threatening to bite my head off and throw my body to the Wargs, so for those of you wanting more do not fear, for the plot-bunnies have come to your rescue and are developing a strategy to sneak into my bedroom and launch their pet Balrogs upon me if I don't heed their words. Some of them are favoring the idea of a piece about Oropher's escape from Doriath, others have requested another one about the Elfling Legolas, and a few others have been constantly screaming for a story that doesn't end up maiming or killing off any of my characters. And last time I checked they may have been rallying for an Elladan & Elrohir ficlet as well...To keep them from murdering me in my sleep, I'm going to have to write some more. /sighs/ And we all know I hate doing that. /winks/ Note: A recent reviewer has kindly pointed out to me that the name I use as Thranduil's wife in several of my stories is actually the singular form of a people in Arda. That, however, was not my intention, for I am also under the impression that "Vanya" is roughly the translation of "beautiful" in a form of Elvish. My stories: ~Bitter Victory~ This ficlet follows the untold tale of the hours before Gil-galad's final battle. ~In Mordor Where the Shadows Are~ A gap-filler subsequent to Bitter Victory revealing the final confrontation between Gil-galad and Sauron. ~Soldiers & Heroes~ A two-part movie-verse fic written in an attempt to understand how Legolas reacted to the death of his kin at Helm's Deep. ~Mask of Innocence~ My first 'real' story following the tragic course of events in Legolas' childhood that put not only his and his father's life in danger but all of the Woodland Realm in a desperate battle against Sauron. ~The Strength of Three~ A ficlet written to try and grasp what King Thranduil was going through when evil began to infiltrate his land to the South, and how his wife and unborn son try to help him struggle on. ~Never Again~ I've fallen prey to the same plot that millions have written about's my version of a popular belief of Thranduil's wife's lack-of-appearance: her death. ~Consequence~ Thranduil must decide and cope with the choice of letting his child go when war threatens the realm. My second fic without violence! ;) NEW! Hunted~ The twins, Estel, and Legolas are taking a quiet holiday together when tragedy strikes, and find themselves captured by Orcs and held without mercy. The fact that they are sons and heirs of important lords are not by coincidence... ...and more to come! What's in the works: Nurn, the fertile lowlands in southern Mordor, is home to the former slaves of Sauron. When trade and messages abruptly cease between Gondor and Nurn Aragorn and Legolas set out. Danger and monsters greet them even before they reach the land and they find terrible evil and mystery in a person most unlikely, turning this quiet holiday into a harrowing fight for their lives. Post-ROTK. 20+ chapters? First Post Date: Unknown I+I+I+I+I+I+I+I "Whether or not you write well, write bravely." -Bill Stout I+I+I+I+I+I+I+I |
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