Author has written 2 stories for Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew, and Alex Rider. Meh. Okay, no one expect any updates any time soon, though I will try to wrap up Karma's Impossibilities eventually (I know it's technically spelled Dharma, but I'm American, thus I can disregard any rules of the English language that I so please...biatch!) I do have a cool idea for another Alex Rider fic, though... Hehe... Okay, I deleted Shadow Riders and a couple of other things. No need to give people false hope. After all, the only thing I could possibly do to salvage that story is to come up with an elaborate conspiracy theory, drop a bomb on the entire cast, or end it with, "And then Robin woke up and learned his lesson. Don't do drugs, kids!" (And never write Mary Sues who are so totally NOT Mary Sues, cause one day, you'll go back, read them, and CRY...) Fear not, the crappy poem was deleted. Makes me wonder though, how intoxicated (on perfectly "legal" -ahem- beverages, might I add) do you have to be, to put such crap up? Obviously, as much as I'd had. Anyways, getting drowsy. Signing out. Feel free to email me, but don't beg for updates unless you have valid reasons that I haven't heard before (okay, I updated, out of renewed vigor, let me know if you want more but not in the form of: LOL! Update plz!). NOTE: Updated my pen name (out of shame). I was once ScarletteBlue, now I'm the DragonHeiress. If you don't like that, fu off. (am in pissy mood) |
amitai (30) | nlblake (11) | Smex Lemur (42) |