![]() Author has written 10 stories for Inheritance Cycle, Harry Potter, Teen Titans, and Naruto. For all those who come here, I hope you enjoy my domain. I've been writing for a really long time now, but only periodically I can admit, or at least, that's what's making it to this site. I have a couple of stories in mind to (maybe) get published one day, but until then I amuse my free moments with dreams of whatever convuluted fanfiction plot I have at that moment. I do endevour to finish all stories I start... and I will, medical problems or no (long story). But it will take time I admit, and I hope my readers will bear with my tardiness. As a note, I know that a lot of people fill their favourites with whatever they read. I have a great deal of story or author alerts to keep me up to date with things I like, but my favourites I view as the paragons of fanfiction, and encourage reading by all. I will accept, however, that not all of them are everyone's forte, but I still suggest reading them. ...Exception: The ones listed with the 'humor' genre should be read by all, with no exceptions. You are seriously missing out if you haven't read them. ...I do note that my favourite authors are a bit more varied... a few close friends are on that list, who may not have hit their stride entirely, but the rest are such exemplery writers that if we were to meet I would drown in their aura of awesome literary skill. My current ongoing works are as follows: Gedwey Awlei: My first real venture into the fanfiction world, it's an Eragon fic that started before book three was even spoiled a little, and it's been floating about since. It continues on from book three with several convuluted plots from yours truly, along with such a mountain of mistakes that I look back and occasionally shudder. But people love it for some reason, and against all odds, so do I. It's my baby, my first love, and it will get done some day. Willed by Fire: A venture into the Narutoverse with an original character. It was planned to be an immensely long epic that ran with the 'one stone that causes ripples' theory, and to let people try and guess what the stone was. The entire world would have been different, and I have the two books of notes to prove it. It shall be continued, when I have the time. Rewritten: Another Eragon fic working the time travel mechanic. Understandably, things went bad last time, but how bad, and how so? It might be surprising. Eragon, at the least, is much darker than his previous self, but perhaps there's hope there. The ripples have begun in the pond already though, and Eragon knows not. The tidal wave is coming. Eyes unseeing: A dark-ish Naruto fic where Naruto learns that he's not the only person willing to sacrifice everything to protect his friends. A single chapter, good on its own, is all there is now, but there will be more, and it will be fantastic. Well, that's all I have ongoing for now. I let you know if I overstretch myself any more than this. Heh. -Fallen Dragonfly |