Reviews for Gedwey Awlei
Condensed Energy chapter 27 . 9/28/2019
Wow. Just wow. This story left me speechless. The way you built the conflict, making eragon and saphira become so close before saphira got poisoned. The way you described the story of Galbatorix losing his dragon, you could literally feel the agony it would be to lose your dragon, making us all the more fearful for saphira who was only barely still alive. My only critique would be this last chapter. I expected more from their reunion, I mean yes you said they cried all night, but I expected more dialogue, like hell, eragon nearly lost her and he went through hell only to know it was worth it and that she was saved in the end. Felt a bit rushed and as if you didn't give it much thought as you did to the rest of the story, but I guess you just lost interest in it, which really is a shame, as this is an amazing story.
AsynchronousTextureStreaming chapter 27 . 3/6/2018
Still reading in 2018
Guest chapter 27 . 11/4/2017
And yet I dare to hope that this story will continue.
Hordika chapter 27 . 10/13/2017
What a gorgeous story! I can't believe I'd never found this before. I actually appreciate where the last chapter ended - a good enough finish, with most of the drama concluded, questions answered, and a decent lead into the coming story. It's easy to imagine the author's take on several plot points finishing the canon series, with some tantalizing ExS hinted at, and certainly more interaction with Galbatorix. Good work, and I hope to find more stories like this in the future!
Und3rstand chapter 1 . 4/8/2017
I agree with TheBlazingDragon98, but what has me on edge is that mostly authors don't finish what they started and if you EVER read this...please know that I love these stories and I would be happy if you decide another chapter or 20.
TheBlazingDragon98 chapter 27 . 11/22/2016
Hey, I thoroughly enjoyed your story and I'm still hoping for an update still to this day. Even though it has been a whole whopping five years. I'm waiting for another chapter. Hopefully you can find some time to write another chapter to fill all of our hungry minds.
Guest chapter 27 . 4/24/2016
Almost made me cry at a few points. Really good.
TheBlazingDragon98 chapter 27 . 4/6/2016
plz continue this story. it's unique and all other stories I have seen arn't as well written and unique as this story.
eragy12 chapter 27 . 3/30/2016
please update you are killing me.
viciousmalacite chapter 1 . 3/7/2016
so when will u finish this awsome story?
Jtgil chapter 27 . 11/26/2015
I have to say that this story is like nothing I have read before. You have successfully entertained me to the highest level possible, and for me, after reading hundreds of stories of IC is a great achievement since you start noticing that 90% of these stories are almost identical and become quite repetitive. This story is too amazing to be left unfinished. And I can see that you really made an effort writing this story.

The chapters that contained the memories were a bit difficult to follow since you didn’t know if it was a memory or not. And if it was a memory, then you were confused as to which memory it was.
Regardless I really liked your writing very much. It is just beautiful and excellent.

The descriptions were phenomenal and the way you depicted the characters was fantastic, giving each a distinctive personality, thus making them recognisable. I’m glad Vanir has a big role in Ellesmera. And this is the only story in which you understand and somewhat sympathize with Galbatorix.

The several plot twists like Saphira getting sick or Arya seeing Eragon as Faolin were really unexpected and a great additions to the story. I’m interested in how the relationship between Eragon and Saphira will develop, and I love Eragon’s protectiveness of Saphira.

And man, your story contains such wonderful and imaginative ideas.
Kroxis is the most badass sword I have ever known about. The idea that the sword has an entity of its own is just too much awesomeness and unheard off. That was some awesome out of the box idea.

Another great idea is Eragon turning half dragon. I like how you kept hinting us about Eragon’s ability to have draconic features and abilities but didn’t reveal it all at once, only little by little as the story progressed, heck not even Eragon knew about it. And as the story got more interesting and the idea further developed, is when you stopped updating…

The dragon burn in the left palm was a really nice addition to show Eragon’s affection to Saphira although you still have to reveal the mystery of the magic within.

So many things yet to be revealed! You have to finish this please!

Although it’s unwise for me to hope for this to be updated and eventually finished, however I cannot allow myself not to hope for an update. This is just too good. So until next time...
782782 chapter 27 . 8/23/2015
This is such an amazingly beautiful story. The writing is so poetic and of such excellent quality, the characters are exquisitely drawn, the Eragon-Saphira relationship is lovely… even the characters whom we are perhaps supposed to like less, such as Galbatorix and poor Arya, come across not as caricature-evil villains but sad, understandable, broken people acting as people would in a sad, broken world.

I doubt this story will come back to life but I'll be very glad indeed if it does.
brisingrskulblaka666 chapter 1 . 8/3/2015
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE finish this story. I realise that you may be busy with other things but I can't bear waiting.
vicious chapter 27 . 4/10/2015
i hope u finish this story better and much more interesting then paolini's was.
YOUR M0THER chapter 27 . 10/29/2014
Listen to me; I realize its been over three years since your last update. I realize that your probably busy. I realize that by now, you've probably forgotten your original plot line. And I realize you might not even read this. BUT I also realize, and you should too, that you have TWO HUNDRED FOURTEEN follows, TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO favorites, and THREE HUNDRED NINETY-THREE reviews! Most authors DREAM of getting 100 in ONE of those catagories, DREAM of it, and you have gotten more than twice that in EVERY SINGLE ONE! You have written over seventy-seven THOUSAND words. You wrote this in the span of almost 3 years... Why not finish it? You have over 200 fans out here, waiting for a new chapter, and yes I realize that some of them may have forgotten about this story, but MAKE THEM REMEMBER! Just do it, or write an apology saying why you can't! Even that is better than just leaving it wide open for THREE YEARS! You have a talent, and a great story; showcase it, show it off. I realize that this is long, I realize that I capitalized way too much, and I also realize, that others share my sentiments.
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