Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Stats: Age: 19 Likes: Shorts, long hair, dashes, ice cream, kiwifruit, doing laundry, cheap jewlrey, cider, dogs, and cold weather. Dislikes: Tye-dye, raisins, guys who wear white socks with dress pants, olives, sweating, and pickles. Fics: Complete: On Phoenix Wings: Harry Potter- H/G oneshot Bitter Remembrance: Harry Potter- Mrs. Weasley oneshot In Progress: Some Like it Hot: Harry Potter- H/G chaptered (On Hiatus for now, but I am thinking it will make a very AU comeback this summer, most likely after DH) Speak Softly and Ron Actually WILL be re-posted again. Don't ask when, I have no idea. If you're wondering what happened to the horde of my other fics, when they got deleted, I decided most of them were crap anyway and am now in the process of writing something worth your time. Fear not, at the moment I have about 14 thousand ideas floating around right now. "I will not wither because the cage is too small." - The Boys Next Door (Inspiration for penname) "Nothing is hopeless; we must hope for everything."- Euripides "You cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in."- Anonymous Hinc illae lacrimae: hence these tears |