Author has written 1 story for Wolverine & the X-Men.
Name: Tara
Birthdate: March 4
Eye Color: Light Brown
Hair Color: Black
Righty or Lefty: Both. But I mostly use my right
The shoes you wore today: Bare...
Your eyes: Are full of shit
Your weakness: A good book. If I have a good book, I forget to do anything else
Your fears: Spending the rest of my days alone.
One thing you'd like to achieve: Number 1 best romance novelist!
Your most overused phrase: What. The. Hell. Man.
Your first thoughts waking up: You need to go outside? (Dogs)
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: TALL! I'm short, but I love tall men!
Your best physical feature: Eyes.
Your bedtime: Whenever I want
Your greatest accomplishment: Getting to this point.
Pepsi or coke: COKE!!
McDonald's or Burger King: Neither!
Single or group dates: I'll go with single.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate...
Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino! Always!
Bras or Panties: uhmm... Both?
Adidas or Nike: Neither! CONVERSE!
Smoke: Not yet...
Cuss: Everyday
Take a shower everyday: Sure do.
Have a crush(es): On every hot male actor!
Do you think you've been in love: Sadly yes... The jerk
Want to go to college: Already there
Like high school: Sometimes
Want to get married: YES!!
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: ?
Believe in yourself: Nope.
Get motion sickness: Nope.
Think you're attractive: Sort of. In a cute way.
Think you're a health freak: No.
Get along with your parents: Everyday!
Like thunderstorms: Love them!
Play an instrument: I wish to someday!
Made Out: No but I want to
Go to the mall: No. I HATE shopping
Eaten sushi: Every Week
Been on stage: uh. no
Gone skating: Hell no.
Made homemade cookies: Yes.
Been in love: no.
Dyed your hair: no.
Missed school because it was raining: Even when it's not.
Told a guy/girl that you liked them: no.
Had an imaginary friend: A pet rock.
Been on stage: …
Cut your hair: Yes. And donated it!
Had crush on a teacher: I wish their was a hot teacher.
Played a game that required removal of clothing: sadly yes and I will never do it again.
Flown on a plane: Yes.
Cried during a Movie: No...
Ever thought an animated character was hot: Oh God. Yes!
Age you hope to be married: Soon. Like Now.
Numbers and Names of Children : 3... James, Anthony, Jason
What do you want to be when you grow up: A romance Novelist
What country would you most like to visit: Britain
Descibe your Dream Wedding: Small. only family.
How do you want to die: Painlessly. Who wouldn't
Best eye/hair color: Green/Red... I love red hair!
Short or long hair: short
Best height: 6'0 give or take a few
Best weight: I'd like a little meat on them.
Best first date location: Starbucks. Or the Park.
Best first kiss location: Starbucks.
Number of kisses you've given: A few... what can I say I'm picky...
Number of boyfriends you've had: two or three?
Number of drugs taken illegally: Sorry none.
Number of people I could trust with my life: Other than my family none.
Number of CDs that I own: Very Few.
Number of piercings: 6
Number of tattoos: Zero.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Does the school news paper count?
Number of scars on my body: none. I hate pain, So I avoid getting hurt.
Number of things in my past that I regret: Lots.
Fav Color: Green.
Day/Night: Day.
Shampoo: Head and shoulders!
Summer/Winter: Winter I love snowboarding.
Lace or Satin: Both.
Fave Cartoon Character: Gambit!
Fave Food: Blue Bell ICE CREAM!!
Fave Movies: Currently the Dark Knight
Fave sport: I don't like Sports...
Fave sports stars: Again. I don't like sports...
Name: Again?
Wearing: PJs
Drinking: nada
Thinking about: What my first lover is going to look like
Listening to: My fan.
Worn jeans: yes..
Cried: no..
Met someone new online: no..
Done laundry: no..
Drove a car: no..
Talked on the phone: yes..
Yourself: Sometimes..
Your friends: no..
Santa Claus: no..
Tooth Fairy: Only when I find a 5 dollar bill. which is never so no...
Destiny/Fate: Yes.
Angels: yes.
Ghosts: yes.
UFO's: I'm not arrogant enough to thing that we are to only people in this whole universe. I think neptune or uranus for 6 months when one of them is closest to the sun you can find life. Learn that in a college class. BOOYA!
God: Yes.
Do you ever wish you had another name: I did. But now no.
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: Sadly no.
Do you like anyone: Only the people I can never have
Are you close to any family member: All! Probably my Grandma and Grandpa mostly.
Who do you hang around the most: Family.
When have you cried the most: When I got in trouble with the police and my dad found out... SCARY!
What's the best feeling in the world: Love!
Worst Feeling: Alone.
Dr House:How do you expect me to work with a lawyer hanging over my shoulder?
Dr Cuddy: Responsibly.
Dr House: You know I can't do that!
X: What's going on?
Dr House: Plate drops It's not what you think. It looks like we're cleaning dishes, but actually we're having sex.
House: Don't go towards the light. . . You'll fall and break your hip.
Foreman: Why are you riding me?
House: It's what I do. Has it got worse lately?
Foreman: Ya, seems to me.
House: Really!. . . Wellthat rules out the race thing. Because you were just as black last week.
House: But I have three reasons.
Cuddy: Good ones?
House: We'll see in a minute, I'm just making them up now.
House: "You know how they say, "you can't live without love"? Well, oxygen is even more important."
Cameron: "A spot on an x-ray doesn't necessarily mean that she's terminal."
House: "I love children. So filled with hope."
House: "Well, I don't want to say anything bad about another doctor, especially a useless drunk."
Cuddy: "You're addicted to pain pills."
House: "But I'm not useless."
House: "Death row guy. I want the case."
Cuddy: "How do you even know about him? You don't have access to the hospital's mainframe."
House: "No, but "partypants" does."
Cuddy: "You stole my password?"
House: "Hardly counts as stealing; it's a pretty obvious choice."
House: "Every minute that we refuse to love one another, another puppy cries another tear."
Wilson: "You're just mad that he's closer to a Nobel Prize than you are."
House: "And yet I've nailed more Swedish babes. Crazy, crazy world."
House: "Listen, I saved his life. That means I get credit for every life he saves from here on out."
House: "Now we're getting somewhere."
Foreman: "Where?"
House: "I have no idea."
House: "And for the record, you are the worst transplant surgeon in the hospital. But, unfortunately, you are the only one who's currently cheating on his wife."
Family Guy-
Lois Griffin: You're drunk again
Peter Griffin: No, I'm just exhausted from being up all night drinking