![]() Author has written 2 stories for Halo, and Naruto. "Life has its ups and downs but our job is to keep on moving through it." Me "We make war so that we may live in peace" Aristotle "In the soviet army it takes more courage to retreat than advance" Joseph Stalin "If you are going through hell keep on going" Winston Churchill "I think we have to agree the past is over" George W, Bush Hi Im Bryan Uzimaki And as you can tell by the last name i like Naruto, However Naruto is one of many interests Ghost recon which is at the beginning of my user name Refers to Tom Clancy's ghost recon advanced war fighter which is an epic game i highly recommend a well as halo and history as a topic. I also have extreme respect for people's right Say what they want and will never report it unless it is offensive or derogatory to anyone especially the fallen soldiers because of the many men and women who fall on Foreign soil so that me and many of my fellow country men and women have those rights liberties and freedoms. I like Spartans halo Spartans in particular so Bryan my user name and a story im currently making about him is about him. personal info Age 19 gender male nationality American. occupation full time colledge student. likes video games, reading, history. dislikes lack of understanding, disrespect without reason, political correctness. Update 02/01/17 I know for a fact there are no spartan V's im not stupid and im an extremely active member of the halowaypoint community. However if you read the date in the first chapter its more than 20 years after halo 5 and to be honest for all we know 343 will have spartan VI's at that point. Also like to point out that i have a language impediment and this is why the format of my story is so bad so please bear with and it make it so what i think and want to add is hard to put to paper let alone a computer soooo if you don't like done read simple. Second if you cant bother to write something positive along with your negative dont because i love making fun of said comment i have a special word document full of comebacks for said comments Muwhahahaha. so keep bringing the hate if you want it only gets put there but i currently dont have enough negative comments to make a chapter... yet when i do though XD you'll see. More to the point lets try not to let that happen. Ok im being very serous and not joking Update 02/06/17 Hi im here to tell you that the progress of the story will be slower from her on because i bought the second halo wars ultimate edition digitally still i will try my best to continue updating also haven't received any messages since my last update. oh i will also tell you that im very good with historical fact especially involving wars from the battle of hasting's in the year 1066 onward anything before that not so much but if you want to know some facts or if you just want to ask questions in general ill answer them second i posted chapter 6 today yay but im gonna try a new sentence format and see how it flows because im new to writing fan fiction and my worst subject is English (IRONY) anyway from chapter 5 onward im gonna add a quote of if you can figure the quote out in chapter 5 your a bad ass. Update 03/02/17 Sorry for not updating the story but it seems i have hit a bit of a writers block oh i have written the next chapter in several formats just what to do is what im hitting. Also hitting massive testing lately and sadly far from over halo wars 2 also came out and i started re watching Pokemon and Sword Art Online etc. I've been traveling alot as well but i think my most humbling experiences are the military cemetery's and the The military wall of valor at Fort Benning. Im also for some reason according to doctors in a very small percent of people in the U.S. that are not desensitized to blood guts and violence. Irony eh anyway see ya later and hopefully i figure out my dilemma. Update 09/08/17 Again sorry for not updating but i lost the story because my PC crashed I've decided to start over the grammar and format make no sense so ill be making a new one and the old story is scrubbed sorry people. But again for those who send bad reviews story is just getting started constructive criticism or even story ideas are accepted. Update 01/13/18 PC Crashed Again updates will be slower but ill keep posting. Update 05/28/18 computer is still being fixed as it was riddled with hardware failures ...ugh give me a freaking break every computer in my house has either failed or needs repairs so all I got is my tablet. Update 12/16/18 working on next chapter currently and editing prevous chapters to bring up quality. My OC's background Bryan K, Uzimaki Some Biography Information Bryan's life has been hardship after hardship battle after battle...(random soldier) they get the point! oh sorry. Anyway Bryan joined the marines at age 2 as fucked up as that sounds however due to a special condition his body was 6 foot 6 inches and mental age was 19 but because of the accelerated growth of Bryan retains a childish personality as well as one that an adult would have.(after he Kami made him a jinchuuriki he has since lost the child persona) He wasn't well accepted into the corp well into his inception but after the training base he was stationed in was attacked he was the one that lead a battalion of cadets to safety. He then joined in the defense with a veteran battalion earning him respect among the older soldiers as he did what was asked but he never did what was out of his reach showing he wasn't mindless. From that point forward Bryan always led from the front lines with his men or between them never behind them. Bryan is well respected and loved by his fellow soldiers and officers after reaching the rank of general he still refused to leave front line duty. Bryan has had a total of sixteen "known" inter dimensional accidents where he is accidentally sent to another dimension but in each dimension he picked up skills and weapons he found useful and integrated them into his armor. The UNSC Marine Armor Mark IX is a combination of some of these weapons but also is made up of a material that is stronger than diamond and lighter than a feather. After rescuing him he usually gets a briefing involving what he learned however with the amount of incidents and the fact that he hates getting sent to unknown dimension without his permission has earned him the unofficial title of unwilling wary traveler. Some of the Universes visited/what he took from the experience Universe X-21-Assassins creedverse -hook blade hidden blades as well as parkour in heavy gear like Mjolnir Universe Z-51-Fairytaleverse- Different kinds of magic as well as legendary keys that summon particular armies to help fight by him(Key Color Red) Universe Z-21-Unknown-report classified- Universe S-91-SAOverse - older computer skills like cracking Dos as well as nerve gear tech that has been modified and is in use for simulations currently Universe F-22-Destinyverse- Selected by a ghost which is currently in Bryan's left hip personnel armory and Bryan's AI Also chosen to be the 13th new era Iron lord Universe P-35-Unknown-report classified- Universe T-10-Unknown-report partial classified- all we know is Bryan picked up his Genealogy and learned that he is a mix of 700 genes from different people from different areas of time space and Univers and was brought to the realization he was born from a test tube from the enemy back then. Universe T-28-File has been locked- (Contact your CO to unlock) Universe M-47-Unknown-report classification pending- known info is that he absorbed years of information and from that point forward he has not aged since Universe K-23-Pokemonverse- what he took from that universe is still unknown and Bryan refuses to talk about it but he integrated designs into armor (Said armor has not been seen since) Universe J-04-Narutoverse- Events ongoing 1st INH Bryan K, Uzimaki Some Stats (1-5) mastery Medical skills (4.8) Adaptability on the battlefield (5) Leadership (5) Stamina (4.5) Endurance (3.8 to 5) When Bryan is angry or distressed he can continue to do tasks for as long as is required Tactician skills (5) noted to be one of the best tacticians in years Weapons skills and adaptability (4.3) able to pick up a weapon never seen or used before and use it with moderate efficiency Stealth (5) noted for being able to walk past guards motion and heat sensors without tripping them Vehicle and aircraft Mastery (5) Sword skill (3.3) very poor in the long sword department but excels in using katana's and His Sword given to him by the Iron lords Civilian Politics and awareness (1) Noted for not giving a shit about status or correctness in political situations and explains things as he see's it Technological knowledge (5) Magic mastery (2.3) Work in progress for Bryan Seamanship (4.3) Military politics and awareness (5) As long as civilians do not try to control military policies and force control due to the fact that they dont know what their doing Tow gun mastery (4.9) well known for using a WWII era flak-88's manning them alone and managing to take out several enemy tanks forcing an enemy retreat Intelligence (5) Dexterity (5) Known for taking hits losing armor and limbs and replacing them mid battle and continues to get up he can't die due to mysterious circumstances Personnel File OC 1st Inh Tenten J, Ryan (KIA) Born to a wealthy family she was rebellious after the the attack on her home world by cortana the first time in response she joined the UNSC. Her Preferred field is assasination but she is an exceptional all purpose solider and excels in the medical and battlefield surgery fields.(to be updated as wanted by comments) Intelligence (4.5) Dexterity (3) Weapons Mastery(4) Vehicle Mastery (3) Medical skills (5) Close quarters combat (5) Shion Uzimaki OC for naruto X-Over Homeland: Land of Demons Position In homeland: High Priestess Current Position: Advisor Shion was forced to get married to Bryan and was willing to give it a chance and for her it has been a roller coaster of emotions and has seen its fair share of strain. Even so when Bryan comes home at the end of the day he listens to whatever she has to say. Although Shion was spoiled young ever since she met naruto she decided she would get stronger and bryan has helped her by teaching her many things not related to chakra and that its more a tool than a necessity like so many ninja seem to think. Intelligence (4.3) Dexterity (2.8) Close quarters combat (3) Trainee still Medical Skill (2.4) |