Hey and welcome to my profile KayKayWriter1995 also known as Kayla! You may also know me by the names Kayly and Kaylzzz95. I want you to all know that I haven't forgotten about those stories and they are being reviewed, rewritten and will be posted onto this site. When each stories is up to the same point as my old profile it will be deleted from that profile. At the moment I am writing a new story named Their Angel (True Blood). I know, I know it will hold some same idea's as Regards, K but hey! I am the one writing it after all. I do hope to update each chapter every two weeks as that's my goal but I may not be able to. A little about me Well I am a bit of a book worm and love reading others people stories especially if they have more than one partner. I hate love triangles as I always feel guilty about the person missing out. If you know or have written any good stories like that send me a message pleeeeaaassssseeeeeee! I will be the first to admit I am a total perv. Some stories I like to read about are: Naruto Avengers Harry Potter Inuyasha Lost Boys (love the OC x Lost Boys pairing) Transformers I also love Inuyasha and any crossover where Kagome is the female protagonist If you have any questions about any of my stories feel free to message me! Kayla xx |