Title: Me Garrett, You Bella

Written for: Laurie Whitlock

Written By: Abbymickey24

Rating: M

Summary/Prompt used: A little bit of 1 person is on a cruise and gets stranded on an island somehow and soon they discover that they are not alone, and a little bit of person 1 gets to go on a holiday and meets person 2 for the first time and has a whirlwind romance.

If you would like to see all the stories that are a part of this exchange visit the facebook group: Fanficaholics Anon: Where Obsession Never Sleeps, or add the C2 to get all the stories direct to your inbox.

www dot fanfiction dot net/community/FAGE-8-Soul-Mates/93625/

Don't forget to take out the space.

I am a pinch writer which is why this so late. It will be 22 chapters and drabbalish. All chapters should be under 1000 words. I will post two a day until complete since it's not completely finished yet. I wanted to wait until I was done, but I didn't want Laurie to have to wait anymore.

I don't own anything.

This is unbeta's so all mistakes are mine.

I hope you enjoy, especially you Laurie.

Thank you for the awesome reviews.

Just a few things before we get to the epi. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you guys taking the time to read and review. I know I drove you crazy sometimes, but you stuck with me and now here we are. Thank you for being such awesome readers. I couldn't ask for better ones.

Laurie, my darling, Thank you for providing me with such awesome prompts. I hope I did them justice. And I hope you like the surprise I gave you in this chapter. :D


6 years later

Bella and Garrett stand on the dock with their backs to the ocean as they stare out at what they can see of the island. Tears are rolling down Bella's cheeks, she gave up trying to stop them hours ago, since she knows they won't stop for a while.

"It's okay, Bella." Garrett says as he pulls her tighter to his side. "You know we'll be back."

Bella nods, but she can't speak yet. She does know that this isn't it, that they'll be back as often as possible, but it's still hard to leave.

This is where she found the love of her life, where he asked her to marry him, and where they said I do and promised to love each other forever. This is where she found more happiness than she could have ever hoped to have. The last six years had been amazing, and while she was looking forward to what the future held, she was going to miss the peace and solitude of the island.

It was time to leave though. She and Garrett had spent so much time talking about it, weighing out the pros and cons, but in the end it was the right thing to do. If it was just them, there would be no getting them off of it, but it wasn't just them anymore.

Almost four years ago they'd brought a beautiful baby boy into this world and are expecting another in four months.

Dean is the spitting image of Garrett. He's a happy kid, and loves playing on the island with Wilson, even if he doesn't move as fast as he used to anymore. But Dean is at that age where he needs friends and school. He's ready to go, even if he understands things are going to be different, but he's excited to be living near his cousins and his aunt and uncle who all adore him completely.

That is a major plus for Bella and Garrett as well. She and Maggie had become the best of friends through the years, and they can't wait to spend more time together. Garrett loved seeing his wife and sister get along, and he is looking forward to helping his brother-in-law out on the ranch.

Bella's tears finally start to dry with the thought of what is in-store for them and she rubs her belly, Sammy kicking a greeting as Garrett's hand covers hers.

They stand there in silence for a while longer, only moving when they hear Maggie say, "I hate to make you rush, but Dean is about to jump overboard and swim to Cancun."

Turning, Bella and Garrett find him bouncing in his seat and know it's time.

Together they walk the few steps to the boat, and after Garrett helps her step in they're off. They take one more glance back before the island disappears behind them, and say a silent goodbye to their home for now. But then they turn around, take a moment to look at their family, and with smiles on their faces they head into the next chapter of their lives.


Alright, I hope I ended it okay for you guys. Thank you again for the awesome reviews. MWAH

And before anyone asks, no there will be no sequel. :D