Author has written 50 stories for Harry Potter, Digimon, and Card Captor Sakura. 6-27-03It's been two years since I've even visited this site, and I'm sorry to tell you that I won't be adding new fics anymore. However, you can check out my other (somewhat newer) Harry Potter fics at Astronomy Tower (the link to my stories is above). Just so you know, the ships I support most strongly are Taiora for Digimon and Harry/Hermione for Harry Potter. I love shipping, it's the greatest thing ever, and I try to keep an open mind with all pairings -- so, as you'll notice, I have stories with all different Digimon couples. Anyway, writing fanfiction has improved my imagination and writing skills so much -- I look back on my old fics and I have to wonder -- what the hell was I thinking? Maybe someday I'll get back into fanfiction writing, but if not, I just want to say it's been a lot of fun, and thanks anyone who's ever read, reviewed, and especially enjoyed my stories. You guys are awesome; and, of course, feel free to e-mail me. (Please ask for permission if you want to post my fics on your site, okay? Thanks.) Of course, I feel I need to give a shout-out to all the good friends I made over the course of my time at : Liz (PrincessMiyako), Jess (John Lennon AcrossTheUniverse), Nick (NICKASTERIX), Artisan of the Written Word, FoxyTaioraQueen, and Julia (Taigurl). Sorry if I forgot anyone, you have permission to slap me -- but then again, you don't know me in person! Muahahahaha! And with that said, I'm out of here! |