Author has written 12 stories for Digimon, and Anime X-overs. Update! The follow-up to Neverworld is now up! Characters from Hunters, Appmon, tri., and everyone who fell through the cracks join the fun in Nexusworld! Welcome to my little corner, home of some of the most messed up (and at the same time eerily popular) Digimon fanfic: Neverworld is the story of the main casts of the first six seasons being forced to coexist in a Digital World that has become fairly peaceful... which means everyone has to put up with each other. Resumption is the story of the Zero Two kids having to cope with their extended absence and possible abandonment during the events of tri. The Connection trilogy ("Level 1: Worlds," "Level 2: Children," and "Level 3: Experiments") is an epic mind-screw with quite a bit of heart to it, as Takato takes a soul-searching journey across several worlds molded by a grim future sugar-coated in the canon 02 ending. Find me on Tumblr at firstagent and Twitter @firstagentarp Transformative Works Statement: Any transformative works, be it art, music or spinoff stories based off my fanfiction or original work, may be done without my permission so long as I am made aware of it by private message or e-mail. I am also open to podfic, but please seek permission first. Now Available at |
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