Author has written 19 stories for Harry Potter, Janet Evanovich, Supernatural, and Glee. UPDATE 1/17/2009 Current Status of projects: Radio Nowhere - This gem is my first story in the Supernatural fandom. I already have several pages written and hope to have this one finished in the next couple of months. ETA: Well its taking longer than I thought and I will be working on it in between everything else. Bed of Lies - Currently writing finally have an outline that I like. To Have Lost - Updated 7/20/2008. As of 4/26/2009 working on editing the early chapters to try and get into the groove again. And Eternity - Finished 7/20/2008 Finding Yesterday - Finished Plum in Pampers - In Progress pending a minor re-write for correction on Lula's character. All other uncompleted work is on HOLD until I have the above worked out. Cheers!! I was looking at my profile page and thinking hmm, I should up date this. I'm still a thirty-something and no I will never admit to my real age, that's just plain wrong. In Real Life I work for a large Car Dealership Corporation in the Accounts Payable Department. Yay! My current love and obsession is Supernatural and I am so a Dean Girl! Love you Dean and I hope you find redemption soon, because your pain is ripping my heart out seriously. I still enjoy Stephanie Plum stories but they have kinda fallen down so I'm not as active as I used to be and yes I still love Ranger. Still enjoy Harry Potter and Snape Stories. Thanks for Reading! |