Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. November 07, 2005Do any of your miss the fact that we used to respond to each of your wonderful feedback posts before? Well mourn no longer, for our responses can now be found in our Livejournal. Check it out at Drop by if you Would you like to interact more with us, or even if you would like to yell at us. Even if you just want to talk story, you're most welcome to visit. Most of the posts there will be hidden under a 'friends only' cut. This is an option for readers who would prefer that the entire WWW not see what they've had to say. If you would like to read everything there, simply call us friends, and we'll friend you back. See you there! September 29, 2005 Deleted, though not defeated. We've decided to wait until the enormity of Remembrance and Renewal being deleted from truly set in our minds to address this issue. We wanted to wait until we actually felt something about it, be it anger, astonishment or sadness. As of today, nearly three weeks later, we still have yet to feel it. Over the past year or so, we've heard of many of our fellow authors having their stories deleted from Fanfiction.Net with little or no cause whatsoever. On September 12, 2005, we've joined that brotherhood/sisterhood. Are we angry? No. Are we sad? No. Did this extinguish our love of writing? Absolutely not. Do we want a Mai Tai or a Daquiri? Yes sure, we're always up for that. Why does our story's deletion seem to not bother us at all? At first, Nigel and I couldn't understand why, but then we looked at the overall situation. For starters, we have kept back-up copies of every chapter we've ever posted. Sure, each chapter has at least two or three drafts, but it won't be that difficult to sort through them and simply re-upload them back to . Some of you who will read this story once we've reposted, will be surprised that some chapters might not be the same ones that you remember, but that is unavoidable, as we won't always remember which final draft was posted, but we'll keep the story the same. Another reason we're not very bothered, is that we probably needed a proverbial fire ignited under our arses to encourage us to write actively again in the first place. This purging can be seen as the said fire. As men who have both survived wildfires, storms, droughts, and other natural disasters in real life, we can only shrug and rebuild. After all, when a natural disaster takes what you've built, you simply build again, and build better, more beautiful and stronger. Somehow, we've rediscovered the joy of writing once again, and will strive to make sure the Finale Movie, and the Remembrance and Renewal story thus far, will work hand in hand like a well constructed machine, artwork, or tapestry, whichever metaphor you like. Are we mad at the person who reported us? No, we actually pity them. According to other authors we have spoken with, people who report stories, often possess little qualities of their own to envy. In all likelihood, they cannot write, and therefore have no understanding of what constructing an engaging, coherent, and character driven multi-chapter story entails. If they do write, it is very likely that these tattletales aren't very adept at it, and/or are too lazy to train themselves to write better, so instead, they do what an under-achieving student or athlete does in real life. They get rid of, or cripple their competition. Figuratively, this stool-pidgeon of the fanfiction world has taken a truncheon to our knees. Let them bask in their sense of accomplishment at eliminating one of their perceived competitors, for we'll only be gone for only a few weeks, and then we'll be back posting as usual. Are we upset about losing over 1500 reviews? No, not all. Why should we be upset when our memories are still intact? Good or bad, we remember what our readers have told us over the years, and we appreciate it greatly. In the mean time, enjoy some screen caps from In the Moon's Shadow, the finale movie. May 26, 2005 Tatsuya stomps about the room like a disgruntled SIM Okay, I don't know what happened, but the URL went mental. Here is the link again. http:///remembrance_and_renewal/eleven_minutes_trailer.h tml I hope it was that the link really got stripped from the last chapter, and it didn't mean you actually hated it. Here you go. Please don't share this link with people who don't read this story yet, our website crashed the last time we put something like this one it. Hello world, thank you for all the wonderful fanfics those of you in this community have been posting. We've been loving them so much that we've felt the need to contribute. Please feel free to enjoy our humble contributiona. As for other things you might want to know? I am Avatar Arkmage, and I'm just a crazy tech guy who got bitten (or more likely infected) by the fanfic bug, and the only known cure for that is to join the fic writing party. Yes folks, you heard that right, I am a guy. My favorite character is Professor Severus Snape. That may sound a little strange to some of you, but Professor Snape reminds me so much of my best friend and colleague that I couldn't help but respect the snarky potions dude too. Coincidentally, I've asked Nigel's help to write this first fic of mine...but don't tell him what I said about him or else he'll get really mad and I'll have to listen to all his sarcastic insults next time I have to work on his computer network. So enjoy folks! Whispering Incidentally, does anyone have any good Male Pregnancy fics to recommend? Not that I'd like to take lessons in doing that mind you, but I find those stories interesting! Hello folks, this is Nigel. Seeing as I've been writing with this pacifist, er, I mean fellow, for years now, I thought I'd best not let Avatar do all the talking on our bio. So hello ladies, gentlemen, undecideds, aliens and whomever else is out there. Nice to meet you all. Well I've been writing fics for at least 5 years now, mostly Paris/Kim slash in the Star Trek Voyager universe. When Avatar asked me to help him with "Remembrance and Renewal" in the Harry Potterverse, I was unsure of it because it was an entirely different fandom than I'm used to. And writing something non-slash is something I haven't tried and even suggested putting some in and...well to make a long story short, Avatar went a little green in the face because prudy boy can't stand the slash. So you'll be happy know that "Remembrance and Renewal" will not have slash, or any pairings for that matter, (with the exception of the implied Severus Snape/Lily Evans pairing of course, as it is a Severitus fic and Harry wasn't conceived via parthenogenesis) Why no pairings? Well aside from the fact that Avatar has no experience writing romance, Harry and company are still a bit young, and I doubt they'd even do much in the way of serious relationships. Hmm...I thought I'd have more to say. Oh well, no one reads this stuff anyway. I'll prove that no one reads this... Nigel:Yo Severus! Get your arse in here. Severus:Will you stop that infernal shouting, Nigel! I was working on a sensitive potion... Nigel:I don't care if you were dancing the naked hula in there with a rubber chicken on your head, Severus! I just wanted to prove that no one ever reads these bios. After all, no one cares WHO writes their favourite stories, they just like to read them. See I'll prove it. (Tats gets naked and goes streaking around the room) See Severus? No one will ever know I just did that! No one saw me. Oh well except you of course, but we're both blokes, so what's the difference eh? (puts clothes back on) Severus: Am I to understand that no one will ever hear us? In that case, I would like to discuss with you the erectile dysfunction potion I am currently working on, and make a comparative study with methods commonly used in the muggle world. Nigel:Whispers I don't know if you're aware of this, but why would you need that potion, Severus? You're the most virile dude in the whole Harry Potter series if I'm not mistaken. Do you realize that you've been paired with everyone from Albus to ulp Voldemort? Severus: Precisely the rationale for brewing a potion of this nature. I get not a moment's rest, and surely you understand that a man can much in a twenty-four hour time period. Nigel: cringes Ouch! Well thanks to my prude of a co-author, you haven't had sex in our fic since 1979, so at least we've granted you some respite. Severus: I don't require that much respite! Oh but it is welcome as I am required to perform for all the other artfully written stories out there. If you will stop being an exhibitionist to people who aren't there, I would like to discuss my potion... Nigel: Very well. I'll go fetch my Andrologia and Urological journals, we can discuss the latest muggle interventions for erectile dysfunction. By the way, at least no one paired you with the sorting hat yet. Severus: So you believe, Nigel. So you believe... See? No one ever heard us |