Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter. Hello all, I'm in need of a good beta-reader, willing to put up with my extra-long sentences and my 'frenchisms', as well as my slow rythm. Not to forget flexible enough in constructive critic. I'm not asking for too much, am I? Damn writer block and real life... They made me have the weirdest dream last night... It started normal (or what passes as normal for me) enough, with Lucius and Severus having a drink somewhere. And then Lucius started to complain that Severus should stop keeping James to himself, and then Voldemort and others entered with the same complain. While Severus was glaring at them, Lucius smirked, went to a wardrobe, opened it and a swarm of plot rabbits got outside. And now, I have a lot of brand new plot stories in my brand...And no, I'm not procrastinating. Well, at least not much! ;-) Sorry all, the new chapter of Cambiare is started, everybody was cooperating, but suddenly Lucius went on strike, stating that what I wanted to happen to him was unbeffiting a Malfoy. I'm trying to whip him into shape, but he's being difficult, and proposing a deal, either I wrote him a story where I give him James, or he'll indefinitely delay the chapter. Damn Slytherins! Just for that, I should pair him with Wormtail in my next story! - Hebinekojin goes to grumble in a corner- |
Bluemoon54 (6) |