![]() Author has written 1 story for Star Wars. Hobbies: Hiking, motorcycle riding, driving in Enduro races (when the local short track has cars to rent for the event), working out (new one for me, especially weight machines), traveling with the wife, video games (still loving the Nintendo Wii playing Goldeneye), daydreaming about Disney picking up my fanfic to publish it as a novel or film as a movie (wouldn't it be nice? There are a lot of fanfics on here that Disney/Lucasfilm would benefit greatly in considering adding them to canon), writing fanfic (another new hobby of mine and one I'm glad I picked up this year). About my stories: I write only Star Wars fanfic as it is the genre that is easiest for me to write. I am a huge Galactic Empire fan as is evident from my profile pic. My stories generally are told from the Imperial point-of-view where I try to creatively turn the Empire into the protagonist(s) if possible. And please note, unless otherwise specified, my stories are mostly OC centered with original planets and locations. I love OC based fanfics and I will not pre-judge a story just because it has OCs. I'm far more mature than that and I will give your OC fanfic a chance. Outside of the Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zhan and the Episode III lead-in novel, Labyrinth of Evil, I wasn't much of a follower of the EU/Legends timeline. That said, in my stories, I try to give just enough canon to keep it in the SW fandom while branching out in new directions, which is something the Star Wars galaxy needs. I welcome feedback on my writing as I am trying to grow as a writer. As far as feedback, I don't mind solid, thought-provoking constructive criticism at all as long as it is respectful. No personal attacks whether subtle or blatant. Tearing somebody down is not constructive at all. That said, I will PM you a thank you for a posted review. No profanity or perversion of any kind. I don't even want it mentioned. Ever. Understand, canon comes from the films/TV shows first and everything else in the SW fandom is secondary. This is Star Wars, not real life. It is a fantasy. Order of Canon in Star Wars: 1) Films (Ewoks and Holiday Special excluded) 2) TV shows 3) Novelizations of films 4) New Canon books, Comics, and video games As you can see, the films win out. Period. And I am open to review exchanges, especially in the realm of Star Wars. I generally review with the viewpoint that I explain what resonated with me and I'll also point out SPAG if I see it. And when suggesting corrections, please keep the one rule of writing in mind, show instead of telling. I want to help other writers grow in their writing abilities but that said, I do not review as if I am buying these stories. Other words, I'll critique as much as necessary but not to the point I'm nitpicking in a manner that becomes a detriment to a writer's growth. And if you prefer, I will send any SPAG suggestions via PM. I am a Christian and I try to keep my stories clean as I can. Please don't take that to mean that my characters are perfect. They are not perfect at all. They have their struggles and sins. They have their triumphs and failures. They have their redeeming qualities and their flaws. They mess up and sometimes mess up bad but don't we all at times? Please note that this is a nondiscrimination page. I do not allow age, gender, race, national origin, etc to play a role in whether or not I enjoy your book. Those things do not matter and never should in any capacity. Discrimination of any kind is disgusting, to say the least. I was raised better than that. I strive to live better than that. And I am better than that. Please, no invitations to participate in any RPs of any kind. Those just are not fun to me at all. If I'm roleplaying, then I'm doing it through the characters that I write. That said, have fun in your RPs and if I know of anyone who might be interested, then I'll be glad to spread the word for you and send them your way. :) Lessons I've learned the HARD WAY in writing/reading fan fiction. I was once a bad reviewer, especially in my younger years until I got my well-deserved comeuppance. This isn't directed at anyone but me. And if you learn from these points, then great. :) 1) Even though I may not like an OC, that does not automatically make them a Mary Sue/Gary Stu. Sometimes I have to learn to get over myself and give a character a chance for once. More often than not, it's good to take the narrow less traveled road versus the broad one walked by the blinded multitudes. 2) A review should be helpful and if I'm tearing someone down instead of trying to build them up, then it's best I stay away from reviewing completely. That said, all reviews by me will come under my screen name, not under the banner of a guest. 3) Just because a story is OC based that does not mean it is automatically a badly written one. OC fanfics can be very entertaining if the character is written well. Most OCs fall into the "mary sue" category but there is a vast difference between "most" and "all". Those words have two different meanings and if I'm too self-centered or shallow to realize that, then I need to take time to get over myself. No two ways about it. 4) Jealousy of another author's works, number of reviews, favorites, or follows is a foolish path to tread. Just because another work has twice the faves, follows, or reviews as mine that does not mean theirs is better than mine and vice versa. I will not give any kind of negative review because I am jealous of another writer's work. I will not give negative reviews to try to dissuade readers from reading a story or work, ever. That is CHILDISH and will be avoided at all costs. 5) I must never get in the mindset that "I'm not doing this to get noticed, it's just for fun". I must purge myself from those thoughts because if I was doing this for fun and not to get noticed then my work wouldn't be posted publicly for all to read and enjoy. 6) If a person reviews my story, then I will be kind enough to send a thank you. Always. No exceptions. Gratefulness is a lifestyle, not a spur of the moment action or event. 7) If a person is kind enough to read through my story, then I will make an effort to do the same for them though it may take time to do so. Reciprocity pays dividends, maybe not all at once, but it will eventually pay off. 8) If I see something in someone's story that is a potential turn-off, then I will tell them. If I have enough time to find a turn-off, then logically speaking, I have enough time to notify the author. If all I do is thumb my nose at turn-offs instead of pointing them out in a helpful manner, then I am in the wrong, not the author. Communication is a sign of maturity and serves to help others grow. Silence profits absolutely nothing. 9) Anyone that I review has the right to question my reviews and/or critiques, especially if I am vague in pointing out something that may seem "odd" or "out of place" in regards to story structure, canon, character development, plot, etc. Asking questions for clarification is not an indication of someone being sensitive to critique. Constructive criticism is always a two-way street, not a dead-end road. And I must realize this fact and apply it to all constructive criticism and/or reviews that I give. Communication is key and is beneficial when it is conducted properly. 10) My reviews/critique of any fanfic will never be a copy and paste of someone else's review. I will write all reviews in my own words and with my own thoughts cultivated from my own time spent reading fanfic. Copying someone else is utterly shallow, immature, and absolutely weak. I will refrain from such actions as they do nothing to promote the growth of a writer. Besides, it is absolute plagiarism to do such a thing and there's no place for it in any form of writing whatsoever. Additional Accounts I am also known as figbassist75 on fictionpress.com and Works In Progress The Skies Are Ablaze: Severely wounded and left for dead on the crippled Supremacy, Captain Phasma reflects upon a time in 32 ABY when she unexpectedly reconnected with an individual from her past who was the only one to ever appeal to her humanity. Together, their loyalties will be put to the test as they face an ancient evil hellbent on enslaving the galaxy. |