Author has written 6 stories for Inuyasha. I am a huge fan of Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha. I love the character's and artwork. I guess that's what got me started on my Fanfics. I've done a few drawings, as well, but it's so much fun to write these stories. My favorite is Sesshomaru and Kagome pairings. Simply because it's a challenge to bring them together. To build a story that is believable, interesting, well written, and that brings two enemies together is not an easy task. I think I may be obsessed with it. I hope you all enjoy my work. I used to never post partially finished stories, because I really hate reading a story that someone hasn't finished, but, I now understand the reasoning behind this method. If you don't update many times, your story goes to the back of the update pile and no one ever sees it again. Not enough publicity. So, I have changed my policy. I can promise one thing though. I will not (unless of unseen unsumountable circumstances) ever leave a story incomplete or un-updated for an extensive time. Nothing's worse than reading a great story that has no ending. Some people wait months, if ever, to end their stories. You can count on me to always end my stories. On I currently have the following fanfictions complete... The Unknown Warrior - Rated NC-17, which is kind of naughty at times. Bitten - Rated PG-13- I tried very hard not to be too naughty... I may have failed somewhat. An Update From Kagome- Rated- This one is much shorter than the others, and it's really cute. Another Update From Kagome - Rated - A sequel to An Update From Kagome Lord Sesshomaru's Shocking Case of Obsession - Rated NC-17, Very Lemony. Not Posted on . Only on , A Single Spark and Animespiral The Naughty Birthday Present - Rated NC-17, Very, Very, Very Naughty. Not Posted on . Only on A , Single Spark and Animespiral You can find Several other stories I've written (mostly Sess/Kagome) on . The posting process here on is a pain, so I've been using that site lately. (Plus it allows me to let loose on all my hentai tendencies!) Hope you will visit me there! |
Anna's pastime (1) Darkraven Haven (10) Demonlordlover (2) | Lavender Valentine (15) lifeisadream (3) Miss Kagura (13) | Mujitsu (15) RosieB (14) Warm-Ice (10) |