DISCLAIMER: If I owned anything, especially InuYasha or anything pertaining to InuYasha, except for a cute Japanese lunchbox that has a really too cute Sesshoumaru on it from the manga, that is collecting dust under my kitchen counter, I wouldn't be writing fanfics, you'd be watching new episodes. I own a dodge caravan, that's it, nothing else!

Summary: What happens when something goes terribly wrong and time decides to stand you on your head and make you do back flips? Kagome finds out when time decides she needs a lesson in taking things for granted.

Chapter One

What went wrong?

Kagome was getting ready to head back to the Feudal Era. She had packed extra medical supplies, something about a really big village event. Ever since Naraku died, it was more and more rare for the girl to come home. InuYasha was gone, died in the final battle. But something in Kagome knew that was going to happen. Sango and Miroku were married, but still hunting demons that plagued villagers. Shippou was beautiful, growing and learning more every day. Rin was 10 now, and spent a lot of time at Kaede's village. Sesshoumaru was always too busy to tend to her now older self and older needs. Kaede succumbed to her age last year in her sleep. Kagome was now taking up the role as Miko for the village.

But lately, every time she came through the well, it seemed to take longer and longer to reach her destination. She feared that it was losing it's strength to bring her back and forth. And sooner or later, it would not let her through at all. Kagome had given up on school, choosing home tutoring instead and taking up the role as "miko" for the shrine at home. That way her parents could get some subsidizing for their home costs from the government, because Grandpa was getting far too old now. She took on medical studies, but never bothered with the years of resident training. Maybe when the well finally cut her off from travelling back to the Feudal Era, she would worry about that.

Packing her supplies she hummed a small tune to herself, she was happy with the village. Her abilities allowed her to reach the spirit of InuYasha through the God Tree. She knew what he meant by he would always be there for her. Even though he had died with Kikyo's clay doll, they were not dragged to the underworld as so many had perceived. He died honorably in battle, doing what he swore he would do, protecting Kagome, Sango and Miroku. Kikyo and InuYasha both rested together now under the God Tree.

Kagome took a few moments to decorate Kikyo, InuYasha, Sango, Miroku and Rin's graves before heading to the well to her beloved little village. Her mother was there to wish her well in her travels, as usual. Kagome just smiled, giving her mom and hug and telling her to keep Souta in line with a chuckle. And jumped.

The Bone Eater Well's light enveloped her body, but it wasn't right. It didn't feel right. Something was terribly wrong. It took so long to come through, the lights seemed darker, less invigorated to get her to her destination. Worry creased her brow when she finally touched down, in a fairly muddy well bottom. The weeds and vines were thick inside the well, and Kagome knew she wasn't where she was supposed to be.

With effort, and a great deal of testing of the green vines, she climbed out. Her bow had hitched more than once on branches and such and she was definitely not in Kansas anymore. She looked around. The forest was pretty much the same. She worked her way to the God Tree and froze. Panic seized her chest as she looked upon it. It had no scar. InuYasha had never been pinned to this tree. There were no paths beaten down by years of patrols of the villagers checking to make sure that InuYasha had stayed pinned to the tree.

"Oh Kami, when am I now?" she sighed. She had a bad feeling when something loudly squawked at her from behind.

"You There! Wench!" she turned to the offending voice. There stood in all of his two foot glory, a toad demon. Complete with the two headed cane. Kagome tucked her arms into her sleeves and face the demon who was more than ready to toast her alive.

"Yes Jaken-sama, how may I be of service?" she replied. Knowing if she was here before InuYasha, she had little protection other than her own abilities.

Jaken eyed her up. "How is it you know me Wench!" he demanded.

"Who has not heard of the great Jaken-sama? Loyal retainer and strong youkai fighter whose hand is as steady as the breeze this fine day?" she mustered quickly.

"Yes, well... Wench follow me. Your healing services are needed, and if you even attempt to purify anything as we go I'll roast you for my Lord's dinner!" he snorted demandingly. Kagome just nodded. Healing services? Who could be hurt? She followed as the toad walked away, keeping the old man's head on his stick facing her at all times. Then again Jaken was never one to ask for anything. Demands was all he knew, and groveling.

The roar of pain reached her before she reached the clearing. Hearing it, her breath hitched in her throat. After only a moments pause, enough that Jaken had turned to her, she broke into a run. Jaken screaming something about waiting for him, etc, etc. She broke into the clearing, into an obvious encampment of many youkai, and for once she wished she had listened to the impudent toad. There were tents set up, many wounded everywhere. She had walked into an apparent post battle encampment. Many turned on her, licking chops and predatory eyes were looking her over. Kagome feigned no fear, only composure, as Jaken broke through the tree line.

"Back off now!" Jaken ordered. And they did. Amazingly they did. "Now Miko, follow this time."

She did, a shudder passing through her body as she heard the severe roar of pain from the central tent. Passing by wounded she knew she should stop for, but she could not. Jaken obviously had other plans, and that roaring tent seemed to be part of it.

As they got closer, voices could be heard.

"Hold him down!", "He's breaking free!", "Tie that tighter!", "Don't let him break free or the whole camp is done for!" She picked up her pace, she gaffed Jaken by the back of the kimono and set him on top of her backpack.

"Hold on tight!" she told him. And Jaken did. His pride was wounded riding on this human, but if his master was in there dying, it would wound more than his pride. He'd yell at the girl later for her impudence. Kagome broke into a run, everyone moved from her path seeing Jaken riding the human like she were some pack animal. Some dared to even laugh, but it was no concern to Kagome. Pain like that needed answering.

She reached the tent and guards nervously eyed her up, seeing Jaken they opened the large tent flaps. Inside was practically a house. She lowered herself to the floor, allowing Jaken off of her back.

"Show me to him," she said quietly. And with a sharp nod, Jaken took her through another set of heavily guarded tent flaps to see a most horrid sight. Blood soaked the table, the smell of decay was looming around the room, even to her human nose. Youkai were fighting to tie down and hold someone on the table tightly. She looked to Jaken.

"Well Wench!" he said expectantly. "Heal him!"