![]() Author has written 8 stories for Newsies, Newsies, Captain Underpants, Mr. Peabody & Sherman, and Tangled. Hey-ya, everyone! I'm Stardust's Revenge, and this is my little hidey hole of fanfiction! Currently Obsessing Over: Tangled: The Series and looking forward to Onwards! Some bits about me you probably don't care about but I posted anyway Hair Color-Mouse-brown Eye Color-Crystal blue, with a stormy gray mixed in, like a sky after it rains Favorite song-Letter from the Refuge. Favorite Newsie-Crutchy/Crutchie, of course! OTP- For Gravity Falls, definitely WenDip; for Newsies, Sprace; and for MLP, CheesePie can't be beaten! The thing I'm surprised no one commented on: If any of you out there are Bronies or Pegasisters, I hid a pony in ''Neverland.'' Can any of you find it? NORMAL PEOPLE: Rely on their local weatherman for the weather forecast. NEWSIES FANS: Ask : Hey Crutchie! What's your leg say? Gonna rain? NORMAL PEOPLE: Threaten to kick their ass NEWSIES FANS: Say "Let's soak em for Crutchie! NORMAL PEOPLE: Insult are mostly about their looks and personality NEWSIES FANS: Insult people by comparing them to a sewer stench and the Delancey Brudders NORMAL PEOPLE: say ''Shut up or I'll tell on you!'' NEWSIES FANS: Say ''Shut up or I'll get Spot!'' NORMAL PEOPLE: Think that Newsies is stupid and was a waste of Money NEWSIES FANS: Threatens them with their Slingshot and screams "Brooklyn!" NORMAL PEOPLE: when being chased, yells ''HELP ME SOMEBODY!'' NEWSIES FANS: when being chased, yells "Cheese it! It's the Bulls!" NORMAL PEOPLE:Don't have this on their profile NEWSIES FANS: MUST have this on their profile! Newsies Creed Whenever I see someone with a dark past that makes them all the more better, I'll remember Jack Kelly. Whenever I see someone doubted for their abilities, I'll remember Katherine Plumber Whenever I see someone with glasses, I'll remember Specs Whenever I see someone who stays optimistic when no one can, I'll remember Crutchie Whenever I see someone totally strike out with a girl, I'll remember Romeo Whenever I see someone being overprotective of their little siblings, I'll remember Davey Whenever I see a young kid act twice their age, I'll remember Les Whenever I see someone completely over-the-top, I'll remember Medda Whenever I see someone act seriously tough, I'll remember Spot Conlon Whenever I see someone only care for money, I'll remember Joe Pulitzer Whenever I see a couple who care so much about each other that they're willing to give up their dreams to stay with each other, I'll remember Jack and Katherine And whenever I see someone willing to stand up for the little guys, to fight for what they believe in, I'll remember Newsies! If you are a complete and utter fansie, who now believes you can fight for what you believe in, are constantly walking down the hall humming or singing Newsies songs on repeat, who have the entire soundtrack memorized, who are willing to slap someone across the face... with a steel chair if they even dare to criticize the show in any way, shape or form, if your dream is to meet (and in my case sing with) Jeremy Jordan, Corey Cott and/or Dan DeLuca (personally and) and if you're willing to risk everything to spend a day with the dorks of the Newsies cast, copy/paste this onto your profile and add your name to the list (let the world know people!): AllysaBarnaba, MusicAngel98, K. Kelly, Theater104, NewsieGirlScout |