Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter. Hi, My name is Alex and I am currently a sophomore in college. I am by no means a professional writer (I'm majoring in mechanical engineering), I find writing to be relaxing. Since the stories are in my head, I figured I'd try my hand at sharing them. My first novel-length story, Sirius Black and the Raising of Children, is now complete. It is a Sirius raises Harry story. It looks at the how Sirius, Andromeda, Frank, and Alice (yes the Longbottoms are okay) deal with the aftermath of the wizarding world. There will be plenty of happy family scenes (including some Hermione) mixed in with the adult's plan for cleaning up the wizarding world. I am in the process of editing. I am now working on a series of one-shot companion pieces to Sirius Black and the Raising of Children that will focus on some of the characters/moments I gloss over in the main story. My next major fic will be Incomplete Knowledge, a time travel piece where Neville, Daphne, and Susan go back in time. It will likely follow canon until DH, when the light then loses the war. It will look at what affect three characters who know about the future, but not everything, will affect the storyline. I am looking for a Beta reader. If you are interested, PM me. A Note on My Characterization: Dumbledore: In Sirius Black and the Raising of Children, Dumbledore will not be a good guy. He might not be entirely dark, but he will at least be a little grey. In my opinion, Dumbledore is a good guy in Rowling's books. While he often makes poor/terrible decisions, I believe them to be more a necessity of the storyline. If Dumbledore simply stopped Voldemort any time he attempted to do something at Hogwarts, there would be no story. If he shared all of his information, there world be no suspense. That being said, as (a now adult) reader, I cannot help but to question his choices. Therefore, in my story he will be trying to control Harry. His desire to place Harry with the Dursley's and imprison Sirius will be to isolate him from the wizarding world so Harry will view him as a savior. Like Rowling, Dumbledore's actions will be necessary for the plot to move. Sirius Black: When I read the books as they came out, Sirius was one of my favorite characters. He appears out of nowhere and tries to rescue Harry from his abusive home life. He is thwarted by corrupt ministry workers and dies a tragic death. Looking back, he seems irresponsible, rash, prone to violence, and quick to anger. In my world, he will still be these things, but toned down severely. In my eyes, Azkaban brought him to the edge of insanity. His negative traits were magnified, his temper shortened, in essence, he is broken. If you think about it, he went to prison at age 22 and spent the next 12 years reliving his worst memories. That will break anyone. The fact that he does not go entirely insane indicates he has a strong mind. He never has a chance to grow up. In Sirius Black and the Raising of Children, he will grow up. And fast. Suddenly his best friends are dead, he is raising a family, he realizes the leader of the light is not all good. He must grow up. Remus Lupin: I have read several stories where Remus is blamed for not contacting Harry sooner. While I think they bring up valid points, I think Remus, like so many other aspects of Rowling's books, suffers from the needs of the plot. If Remus had appeared and visited Harry throughout childhood, he probably could have tempered the Durley's worst abuses. He would have explained to Harry about the wizarding world, about his parents, his role in Voldemort's downfall. Harry would, for all intensive purposes, be a different person. Therefore, Remus could not have a been a part of Harry's life growing up and could not be more than an occasional presence after third year. Therefore, while he won't be one of the main characters in Sirius Black and the Raising of Children, he will be present. He will be a good friend, and an important part of Harry and Sirius's live. These are only my own interpretations of these characters. You don't have to agree. I just figured I should explain what the basis for their personalities in my story are. --Alex Stories: Sirius Black and the Raising of Children: novel length, pre-hogwarts, family and politics Snape's Choice: marauders era, one-shot, dark, snape doesn't join the death eaters Fluid: short, genderqueer tonks, WIP |