Author has written 2 stories for Man From UNCLE, and Doctor Who. Hello there! I'm a university student from somewhere in the universe. When I'm not studying, writing my original fiction, I'll write fanfiction. Fandoms: Star Trek TOS, Doctor Who, The Man From U.N.C.L.E (tv), Fullmetal Alchemist, Gilmore Girls, Samurai Flamenco, Yuri on Ice. Characters/Genres/Etc: I generally focus more on friend and family relationships, though I do write some romance fic. I really love the friendship of Clara and Twelve, and the friendship of the Star Trek trio. I ship Kirk/Spock, Roy/Riza, Goto/Hazma, Rory/Paris, Victor/Yuri. (Constructive) criticism is always welcome! Prompts are also welcome--just comment on a story with one, or pm me! I don't take M-rated prompts. You will NOT find: Fics with pairings where one is underage, or teacher/student fics. Do not read/follow/etc if you like those kind of pairings (psa teen/adult relationships are illegal some of you should learn that.) |