Author has written 42 stories for Fairy Tail, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Spider-Man, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, Seven Deadly Sins/七つの大罪, Mortal Instruments, Kiss Him, Not Me/私がモテてどうすんだ, Soul Eater, Lunar Chronicles, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, Batman, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Little Mermaid, Yuri!!! on Ice, and Deadpool.
But in her web she still delights
To weave the mirror's magic sights,
For often thro' the silent nights
A funeral, with plumes and lights
And music, came from Camelot:
Or when the moon was overhead
Came two young lovers lately wed;
'I am half sick of shadows,' said
The Lady of Shalott.
~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson, The Lady of Shalott
A- Age: 22
B- Biggest Fear: SQUIRRELS! And heights, but mostly those fluffy-tailed demons!
C- Current Time: 11:10
D- Drink you last had: Lemonade
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: My boyfriend
F- Favorite Song: It varies day to day but currently it's East of Eden- Zella Day but Yesterday's was Novacaine- Fall Out Boy
G- Grossest Memory: Being in a homeless Frenchman's armpit on the subway in Paris
H- Hometown: Huntington, Indiana (I've moved since then. Sorry stalkers!))
I- In love with: My boyfriend (Hi Honey!)
J- Jealous Of: Published Authors
K- Killed Someone?: Not yet and hoping to keep it that way!
L- Longest Relationship: The one I'm currently in (together since Oct. 2015)
M- Middle Name: Elaine. That's actually where I got the inspiration for my username from. If you're curious please look up Elaine of Astolat.
N- Number of Siblings: Nada
O- One Wish: To become a great librarian and, hopefully, a published author, someday
P- Person who you last called: My Dad
Q- Question you're always asked: Are you Ariel? Please note I work with toddlers and small children and I dyed my hair dark red. Yes, it was because of Ariel.
R- Reason to smile: There's a reason not to?
S- Song last sang: Cabinet Battle #1 from Hamilton
T- Time you woke up: 11:00
U- Underwear Color: Umm... I'm not answering this. No.
V- Vacation Destination: London, England (Love it there!)
W- Worst Habit: Procrastination
X- Xrays you've had: Multiple on my shoulder (bone infection) and one on my tailbone (bruised it on an inflatable water slide)
Y- Your favorite food: Sushi! I basically just want to be a mermaid. I am not ashamed.
Z- Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Just a quick shout-out and thank you to my wonderful boyfriend and beta reader Majorjr16028. Couldn't do this without you!
Disclaimer: I get inspiration for many of my one-shots from various Tumblr posts and the like that I find on Pinterest. So if a story concept seems familiar, that's probably why. Unfortunately, I write them all down in a notebook and I am terrible (I AM SO SORRY!) about writing down user sources. So this is me stating that some of these are not original ideas, I just turn them into fanfiction stories! Please don't hate and if you do know an original user for a certain prompt, pm me or leave a comment so I can make sure to credit them. Okay, that's done. Now, back to writing!