Author has written 47 stories for Vampire Diaries, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Being Human, Originals, Lucifer, Pirates of the Caribbean, Supernatural, Sense8, Game of Thrones, and Once Upon a Time. Please leave a review on your favorite fic or one you want updated, reviews are my writing fuel. I am a huge Klaroline and Delena shipper, so don't be surprised if there's a lot of stories about them. I have some daydreams about other couples I noticed and write stories about them that I hope are at least, good. I appreciate reviews and people wanting to edit, if they have it in their mind to do so like I do. I watch both TVD and TO so I will be able to be canon. That is, if I've seen the latest episode and the scenes I'm requiring of myself to be able to reference were in that ep. I try to be as close to the actual facts about the couples as I can be, so if I get some facts wrong, please tell me. I do get sidetracked with the whole situation I've got mapped out in my head that I forget to align it with my character, so if that isn't what you would think the actual character would do, lo siento, but I probably won't change it. It is done. And I will edit my stories as soon as I see fit to. When, you know, I'm allowed to. My shipper thoughts: Delena: Epic, my favorite ship among any other. Not sure if Klaroline can surpass it but I'm kinda hoping it will, especially since Delena's gonna become human now. Stelena: They are perfect, in a cookie-cutter kind of way. Too perfect, as if a spell put them together. Oh wait. Kalijah: Elijah was the only one committed to that relationship, poor guy. Katherine always said she loved Stefan, and only him. She wasn't lying. Kefan/Steferine: Stefan and Katherine's flashback scenes were the only times I liked both of them. They should've been together. Halijah: Endearing. Hayley is what Elijah needs, Elijah is what Hayley needs. I think Elijah and Hayley are gonna be together by the time Caroline shows up at Klaus's door. Although it might just take that fracking long. Bonkai: First time they met and talked when Kai wasn't trying to trigger her witch powers, they flirted. So what? Kai tortured Bonnie and she got PTSD from his actions. Even after that he tortured her some more. Yeah, that's totally true love. Bamon: The dude is pining for Elena and missing her every moment. And Damon and Bonnie best friends now, they're better as best friends. Steroline: I have a feeling that the writers put Care with Stefan to keep her from vamping off to NOLA. They were good friends, and now it's gotten ruined. Don't know how they'd survive to be anything more than...penpals, when things end. Klaroline: 'He's your first love, I intend to be your last. However long it takes.' Caroline believed him, and kissed him the next time she saw him. Pretty much gives you the answer right there. Calaric: Caroline's only with Alaric for the twins, despite Alaric being a good guy. Alaric doesn't know the first thing about her and Caroline's torn between two different guys. Seems like a happy wedding waiting to happen alright. Klamille: Klaus is an idiot to think he's in love with anyone else but Caroline. Camille's better as a blonde Stefan from season 5; with no one at all. Cam used to be a strong woman but that fell through the cracks as well. Well, Camille's gone, so that ship has sunk. It wasn't even a regular-sized one, it was a tug boat. Bonenzo: They've only had a couple scenes, but they've got great chemistry, maybe even better than Klaroline or Delena but let's not get hasty. Soon as they had their playful banter and that flashforward or backward kiss, whichever it was, I shipped it. Now they're together and I'm loving it. Just, where did Bonnie's sudden attraction to Enzo come from? First scene after the flashback it was undeniable, sure. But what made her like him so much? Klaurora: The redhead's crazy, and she's gonna be dead by the end of the season. The fact that Klaus kissed Aurora made me so crazy, but they haven't been together for a thousand years, and he's obviously gotten over her. |