"You are insane..." Bonnie mumbled, his words still made no sense to her.
Klaus smiled and handed her the Grimoire. "It was a lot of hassle to get my hands on that one, so don't let me down Bennett."

"You can't make me do this, I won't do this!" she said determined.
Klaus shrugged. "Very well..." he grabbed his cell and handed it to Bonnie. "Choose wisely who you will be saying goodbye to firstly. Jeremy, Elena, your mother..."

Bonnie clasped her lips. "You've threatened me once and I gave in, it won't happen again."
His smile was taunting as only he was able to pull off. "I have hybrids ready to collect hearts love and not much patience for your high school drama."
"A spell to sent you back in time so that you can get Tatia's blood? That's sick and twisted to name only two."

"I find it genius as well." he squinted amused at her.
"Go ahead, start killing everyone on sight; it still won't make me do this, I can't do this." she said and pushed the magic book away from her.

Klaus seemed even more amused that she was putting up such a fight. "You are terrible at your bluff sweetheart, you should practice more."
"It's not a bluff Klaus... this type of spell is too powerful for me, I can't do this." Bonnie almost sounded honest to him.

Klaus sat lazily on the edge of his desk. "Let's think about this for a minute shall we? You almost killed me once, undid my mother's spell and you brought back Jeremy from the dead... shall I keep going love?" Bonnie looked down as he smiled and gave her a look. "That's what I thought."

"Well maybe you are the one bluffing." she looked up.
Klaus' body shook with laughter. "You are adorable!" he said pursing his lips.

She squinted and Klaus felt a sting of pain in his head, he quickly grabbed her throat and she was fighting for air. "But don't make me hurt you. I need you but I'm sure you can still perform a spell with a few broken bones."
Bonnie fought his hold and tried to not show exactly how scared she was of his piercing blue eyes. "Maybe I can push you enough to kill me and then you can go straight to hell." she still managed to say.

Klaus smiled and released her; he could hear the front door to his house open. "I think what you really need is a little encouragement." he said and tilted his head smiling.
Bonnie gasped when she saw Kol carrying Caroline unconscious in his arms.

Kol dropped her on the couch and gave Klaus a sarcastic smile. "Enjoy!" he said and went to fix himself a drink.
"What is this?" Bonnie asked terrified now.

"I knew you would be reluctant, to say the least, so I took care of it." he said and slowly got up from the desk; he came near the couch where Caroline was and removed her beautiful hair away from her face, almost in a sweet caring gesture so Bonnie found.
"Don't hurt her..." Bonnie whispered picking the Grimoire from the table.

"I would never." he simply said and his expression was serious again. "Unless you decide to do something I won't approve."
Bonnie looked for the spell she needed and started reading it at once, if he wanted to go to hell she would send him right there and fast.

Klaus looked at Kol that came near him.
"Are you sure about this?" Kol asked without much fuss.

"I'll be back soon, try not to cry too much over my absence." Klaus teased him.
"I'm not Bekah." He simply replied enjoying his drink and then looked at the witch.

Bonnie had her eyes closed saying things in Latin that no one really understood.
"I really hope you are doing the right spell sweetheart..." Klaus said.

She sensed his malice and opened her eyes to look at Klaus, something felt off. "What are you planning exactly?" she asked him with growing suspicion.
"You didn't think I would let you send me back in time just like that, did you sweetheart?" he asked with a knife in his hand.

Bonnie started breathing unsteadily. "What..." she couldn't finish; she looked to the couch where Caroline was slowly regaining her senses.
"I know the spell Bonnie; here's a little hint for all of you that keep forgetting, I spent 500 years trying to break a curse, I know all there is to know about spells, I just can't do magic. At least not that kind." he finished with a smile.

"Ummm where... am I?" Caroline moaned grabbing her head.
"Klaus..." Bonnie took a step forward.

But Kol stepped in front of her. "Finish the spell darling."
Bonnie looked at her friend. "Not until Caroline is safe."

Klaus picked Caroline up by her arm; the blonde one still felt dizzy, Kol had snapped her neck and she was still trying to get back to normal functions.
"If you don't finish, he will hurt her and it won't be pretty." Kol said finishing his drink casually.

Bonnie looked at the Original, could she risk it? Even knowing Klaus probably wouldn't lay a finger on her? But it was Caroline and she couldn't take that risk.
"Indementia tiredesty idijerperv." Bonnie said between clenched teeth and a tight heart but with a tiny hope that Klaus didn't know how to end the spell.

Klaus proved her right as he made a gushing cut on his hand; she let out a little relieved gush of air and smiled at Caroline that finally regained her normal stance.
"What is going on and how did I get here?" Caroline asked confused.

"It's going to be ok." Bonnie assured her friend, making a cut on her hand as well. "It's done." she said looking at Klaus.
"Almost..." he gave her a huge smile and grabbed Caroline's hand.

"Hey..." Caroline protested.
"No." Bonnie gasped and tried to get to Caroline but Kol dropped his glass and grabbed Bonnie, stopping her.

Bonnie closed her eyes fighting him and Kol winced in pain.
"I'm sorry for this sweetheart." Klaus told Caroline and made a cut on her palm.

"Ouch." Caroline flinched but she was clueless about everything that was happening.
Bonnie raised her hand and closed her eyes, she focused and said the last words, changing the spell and using her knife to cut Kol's arm, making him bleed.
When she opened her eyes she was in the woods, she was in the middle of the woods and the house was gone and all that she saw was trees upon trees.

Caroline was here too and she twirled around feeling lost and about to panic, she looked at Klaus. He was smiling, seemingly happy.
"What the hell just happened?" she whispered.

Klaus looked around; everything was exactly as he remembered.
"Where are we?" Another accented voice asked confused.

"Ancient Mystic Falls." Klaus simply answered.
Caroline felt a sting in her hand, she looked down on it and knew she wasn't entirely dead because it was hurting her. "I don't understand what's going on." she said feeling cold all of sudden and stroking her arms.

"You've sent us all back." Klaus looked at Bonnie surprised.
"What the hell did you do?" Kol yelled mad and came at her. Bonnie stopped him by half-closing her eyes, he yelled clutching his head. "I'm going to enjoy killing you slowly witch."

Klaus flashed to Caroline and laced his arm around her neck, she tried to fight him but he was too strong, he smiled taunting Bonnie and she didn't need him to say the words. She released her power over Kol's mind. Caroline gulped down because Klaus wasn't really hurting her, there was just that invisible threat in the air and the hot breath of the hybrid on her face.
There was always something primitive about the man who was part of two worlds and that was enough to scare anyone. Klaus was calm and collected as he made sure Bonnie backed down, so much different from the young Mikaelson on her face now, ready to take her head off.

"I wasn't going to let him bring my friend into this place alone with him..." Bonnie slowly said looking at Kol fearlessly.
"So you've decided to bring everyone along for the ride?" Kol snapped and took a step closer to her.

Caroline reacted and surprisingly left Klaus' hold easily. "Leave her alone." she asked Kol.
"Your incompetent witch friend messed up a spell so badly that I'm standing in Medieval Mystic Falls, if I'm that lucky and she didn't bring all of us to God damn Lost island." he was raging mad.

Bonnie smiled. "I'd say I was pretty competent." Kol snarled at her but she kept her smile. "How's the head?"
Caroline intervened knowing things were getting out of hand. "Want to start ripping out hearts? Start with him." she pointed at Klaus.

"I asked Bonnie to do a spell, I'm not to blame that things got so out of control." he simply said.
Caroline was appalled. "You kidnapped me to make sure she did the spell and you were planning on bringing me here with you."

"I needed insurance sweetheart that I would be sent back. Again, I'm not to blame that she decided to change everything." Klaus said with such easiness that the other three snapped.
They all started talking at the same time which made it impossible to understand anything.

Bonnie was fuming but managed to look past the two vampires ready to kill each other and watched after Klaus that was walking away, he was already far when she ran after him. "Excuse me? Klaus? Where do you think you are going?" she yelled after him.
Kol and Caroline stopped the yelling watching the petite human ran after the Original.

Klaus didn't stop his steady walk. "I came here for a reason love; I am a hybrid on a mission, you can all stay here and kill each other for all I care."
Bonnie shook her head. "Oh no, you will not leave us here in the middle of nowhere, on our own."

Klaus stopped and looked at her amused. "Weren't you the one that invited everyone to the party? Deal with it."
Bonnie gasped. "You need me to send you back."

"True but the same applies to them. Your friend Caroline will die before she lets anything happen to you and I'm sure Kol misses the warmth of the 21st Century already. All you have to do is stay alive long enough, I'll be back soon." Klaus said with that tricky nice smile of his.
Kol flashed to his brother. "I will not stay behind with the baby vampire and the incompetent witch."

Bonnie scolded him but he was completely oblivious to it.
"You don't have a choice." Klaus said serious now.

Kol smirked at him. "Brother... you are not listening. I'm back in Viking age because of you; because you decided it was an amazing idea to come back in time to fetch for Tatia's human blood so that you could keep on breeding your hybrids to make an army."
"Because their idiotic friend decided to die and become a vampire." Klaus said with a squint.

"Because your bitch of a sister made Matt drive off a bridge." Caroline said with clenched teeth.
Klaus slowly looked at her. "After you and your friends plotted to kill me."

She smiled not showing fear of his uncanny tone. "Too bad Bonnie had a change of heart and saved you."
He returned her smile just that his was a twisted one. "If I recall, you didn't seem too upset about it in the woods."

"I thought you were Tyler." she hissed mad.
He chuckled. "Don't be ridiculous Caroline, I'm sure Tyler never kissed you like that."

"Oh you..." she took a step forward, even angrier that he was smiling like that.
"Ok, let's all take a moment to breathe." Bonnie said trying to stop Caroline.

"As highly entertaining as this is..." Kol said pointing at Klaus and Caroline. "... I'd like to go home now."
"You are home." Klaus looked at him.

Kol rolled his eyes. "Send me back Nik!"
"I can't." he moved his hand towards Bonnie.

She sighed. "I just need to gather the same things I used on the spell."
"But you can't send just one of us back." he smiled.

Bonnie felt all eyes on her. "No... if we came through all together, we have to go back together."
"WHAT?" Kol and Caroline asked at the same time.

Klaus simply shrugged and started walking again.
"It was a last-minute change to the original spell. He was set on bringing Caroline so I brought Kol in return. Leverage." she said looking at Klaus, catching his back but pretty sure he was smiling.

"So basically, I am stuck in hell with a baby vampire, a witch and my least favorite brother." Kol snapped.
Klaus turned around touching his chest. "I'm hurt."

Kol went to him and the girls followed them quickly.
"What's the plan?" Kol asked looking around; he really didn't miss his old days as human.

"I will go get my blood and the bunch of you will try to stay out of my way." Klaus easily replied.
"We need to get out of these clothes." Kol said with an actual hint of seriousness to him.

"I keep listening to we but it's really everyone for itself now." Klaus said starting to get annoyed.
Kol ignored him and looked back at Bonnie. "Anything I need to know about the spell? Do we have a time schedule or something?"

She shook her head. "Not really, but you can't be seen by your past... you." she said a bit confused.
Kol sighed. "That's the easy part, I have no intention to reunite with my past loving family."

"And you can't kill anyone." Bonnie said waiting for the reaction. It came as she expected, both Klaus and Kol stopped and turned to face her, she smiled. "You can't do anything in the past that might change the future. Everyone in here could have started a family that goes all the way to our future and you can't mess with that or there will be consequences." she said slowly facing the two Originals.
Klaus pressed his lips, this was a setback; he did not deal well with restrictions such as these.

Kol on his end, simply shrugged it off. "I'll try to remember it."
Bonnie looked at Caroline that was awfully silent now, she knew this was a nightmare for her and she felt awful for not being able to properly stop Klaus. "Look, we are all here, I can't change that but let's go retrieve this blood Klaus needs and try to stay alive, so that I can send us back in one piece." she tried to reason with them.

"Do you know the spell Bonnie?" Caroline asked her quietly.
Bonnie bit her lip. "I think so..." she whispered.

"You think? Oh bloody brilliant." Kol turned around.
"It's a really hard spell and I didn't have time to check it again because everything just happened too fast." she snapped at him.

"I'm going to kill her and you being the witch whore that you are, will find me a better witch." Kol told Klaus between angry teeth.
Klaus smiled at him. "I could find you another witch but she might be worst than this one, do you want to risk it and end up in the Victorian era? You were inside a coffin, be grateful for it."

Kol huffed and threw his hands in the air. "When I started my day I was hoping for a very different threesome Nik." he hissed mad and Klaus expected him to punch the air childishly.
"Can we all just calm down?" Caroline asked again quietly. Everyone kind of was surprised by her calm ways and looked at her. "We're all stuck in here, it doesn't matter whose fault it was. I just want to go home and we are not going anywhere until Klaus gets what he came for. And Bonnie and I have no idea where we are or how to survive in a place like this, but you know it. You grew up here so let's just stick together and do this because you can't go back without us either."

Klaus was impressed with her. "You never cease to amaze me sweetheart."
She scorned his words like she always did. "I just want to go back to the present, to my boyfriend."

Klaus ignored the sting in her words and her smile. "The village is just a few hours away." he pointed at Bonnie. "I'm not letting her slow me down and get in the way of what I came here to do."
"You don't have to worry about me." Bonnie sarcastically smiled at him.

"I suggest you stay close by sweetheart, these were the days they burned everything that was strange and different to them." Klaus smiled showing his dimples and started walking.

They walked for what seemed endless hours to Bonnie, her feet were killing her and she was getting really tired but she never once opened her mouth to complain. Caroline noticed the fatigue in her friend and laced an arm around her waist for support; Bonnie smiled at her.
They finally reached a clear among all the trees, it was night already and Bonnie saw an old cottage ahead of them, she got worried because Klaus had been heading this way for a reason, she realized now.

Klaus never did anything without being part of a plan and Kol just followed him without a word or doubt. Klaus looked at Kol and this one nodded in silence, Bonnie hated that she couldn't understand their private language but pulled a serious face when Klaus looked at them. "Stay here." he ordered in that low determined voice.

The girls stayed behind with Kol and Bonnie frowned when a man came to the door and looked surprised at Klaus, this one told him something and then he swiftly snapped the man's neck.
"No... he can't kill anyone." she was mad and without thinking grabbed Kol's arm.

The young Mikaelson looked at her serious. "Everyone around our original village is doomed."
"What do you mean?" Caroline asked behind Bonnie.

Kol didn't take his eyes away from Bonnie. "We killed everyone on sight after we were turned. Experimented with our new senses and hunted everyone down until we learned how to control our blood lust so you see... everyone around here is already dead."
Bonnie gulped down, only know it really started to sink in with whom they were trapped in a strange and dangerous time.

Kol smiled taunting her. "Unless you have different plans for tonight darling, I suggest you take your hand off me."
Bonnie quickly retrieved her hand, she almost forgot where she had it.

"Shame..." he teased her and left to the hut where Klaus was already dragging the body out to hide in the woods.
Bonnie looked at Caroline shaking. "I'm going to be sick... this is a lot to take in."

"I know but we need to keep it together Bon... if we want to make it out of this alive." Caroline said with an encouraging smile, she looked at the hut and then back at Bonnie. "I have a plan."
Bonnie frowned in response.

"When we were all fighting back there, I remembered something... this exact time we are in... the time before they killed Tatia and became vampires, it's before they burned the White Oak Tree to the ground Bonnie." Caroline said smiling.
Her friend smiled as well. "Ok... we need a plan."

"For now we need to keep them busy and without suspecting anything." Caroline said looking at the hut.
Bonnie nodded and they made their way inside the hut; Klaus was already going through the things the man owned, he appeared to be a hunter which came in handy because he had a lot of weapons around. Kol easily opened the locker of a trunk and hastily took out the furs there and tossing everything it didn't matter to him to the side.
Caroline silently watched as these two so briskly went through someone's belongings, of their their life. She would never get used to this side of being a vampire, shutting every feeling out so easily.

Klaus found some of the man's fresh clothes and threw Kol a shirt and some pants, in return Kol had found what he was hoping for; he tossed a dress at each girl. The smell was awful and Bonnie made a disgusted face.
Kol smiled. "Probably belonged to his dead wife."

Bonnie handed him back the dress. "I'm not putting that on."
Kol sighed deeply and came near her. "I'm not really a fan of stripping a woman by force so please... indulge me."

She gulped down because Kol's smile was anything but kind, she took the dress and looked at Caroline. The blonde wasn't much happier about this but slowly nodded.
"When you are done with the dress, do something about your hair." Klaus said removing his shirt to get changed.

Caroline tried to focus on what she wanted to say because Klaus' naked chest was shining at her. "And why are you both so worried about fashion all of a sudden?" she asked looking away when Klaus shamelessly unzipped his pants, oh for Christ sake; he was getting changed in front of them.

Klaus smiled amused with her flustered reaction. "All the women wear braids in the village and we want to blend in so do something about your hair sweetheart."
Caroline shook her head without looking at him, she looked at Bonnie instead and her mouth went open; Bonnie wasn't looking away, she was actually enjoying the Kol show and she wasn't being too coy about it.

Caroline pursed her lips and pinched her arm, Bonnie whimpered and looked at Caroline; she gave her friend a shameless smile. Caroline crumbled into a smile as well.
Kol and Klaus grabbed their modern clothes and dropped them into the fire; they looked at the girls waiting for them.

"I'm going to change in another room" Caroline said with an attitude.
"This is a hut, there is no other room." Klaus frowned.

She looked around the really small space. "I guess I missed that Alaric class about the Viking houses..."
"It's not like I haven't seen you already in your underwear sweetheart..." Klaus teased her with an acid smile.

She got so angry that she removed her shirt and threw it at his face mad.
"Thank you love." Klaus said amused.

Caroline pushed the old dress over her head and only then took her skinny jeans, she still wasn't about to give Klaus the satisfaction of a full show.
Bonnie did the same and looked down on her when she was done. "I look like a peasant. At least how I imagine one would look like."

"I look like the maid in every sad movie I've ever seen." Caroline said with an annoyed face.
Kol and Klaus shook their heads in perfect sync but smiled amused with the girls.

"We're going out to scan the place, you two stay hidden inside and don't draw any attention." Klaus said and looked at Kol, he squinted because Kol was looking at him in a funny way.
"We should have brought you a wig. For the authenticity of it all." he said with his eyes half-closed.
Klaus left the hut annoyed, Kol was right behind him smirking.

Caroline looked at Bonnie. "Are you ok?"
Bonnie nodded. "Yeah... just... tired and a little worried."

"We will get out of this safe." Caroline said with determination but she was mostly trying to convince herself.
"Pinky swear?" Bonnie asked with a smile.

Caroline nodded and hugged her friend tight.
"God, you smell awful." Bonnie said with a muffled sound against Caroline's dress.
"You too..." Caroline said softly.

"Awesome plan Nik, really..." Kol said as they walked through the woods trying to remember the forest they once knew by heart.
"I must admit I wasn't expecting Bonnie to pull that little stunt." Klaus stopped recognizing where they were.

"I wasn't expecting her to give me a headache like that... it was actually really hot." Kol said stopping by Klaus' side.
Klaus gave his brother a look and then shook his head. "I used to hunt here with Elijah."

"So this is near our old village?" Kol asked.
Klaus nodded. "I'll be paying Tatia a visit tomorrow..."

Kol looked at his older brother. "The sooner, the better. Then we can all go home and try to kill each other there."
There was a very dark smile in Klaus' face. "Now... there is no real need to rush things..."

"This is another one of your crazy plans, isn't it?" Kol looked away from Klaus upset. "You wanted to be stuck in here with the baby vampire."
Klaus shrugged. "Things didn't go quite as planned but I can work with what I have and I need your help."

"Niklaus Mikaelson needs my help... it must be the nostalgia getting to my brother."
Klaus laughed. "I just need you to keep Bonnie busy while we are here. I have some unfinished business to settle with Caroline Forbes and I'm doing it my way."

"How do you suggest I keep the witch away while you have your fun torturing Caroline?" Kol asked easily.
"Aren't you the one always looking for entertainment? I just gave you a challenge."

Kol looked at Klaus intrigued. "What's in it for me?"
"Bonnie is a beautiful girl." Klaus reasoned with his brother.

"I'm not into witches like you... I want something else." Kol was serious as he faced his brother. "If I help you with this, you are not allowed to dagger me for the rest of eternity."
Klaus showed his dimples. "I can try."

"You need my help and I'll do it because I'm already bored in here but you can't touch me from now on."
"Deal." Klaus agreed solemnly.

"Am I allowed to kill the witch?" Kol asked with a sadistic smile.
"Only when we get back." Klaus was happy with his new ally.

Caroline was looking into the dark night, Bonnie had fallen asleep and she was keeping watch, they were in a place they knew nothing good about and Caroline was more scared than she wanted to show her friend. She turned her cell on, of course that it didn't work but she had Tyler's picture on the screen saver and it made her happy to see it.
"You need to get rid of that." Klaus' voice startled her.

"Why would I do that?" She defied him and it was a stupid thing to do, Klaus easily snatched the cell from her hand and came inside throwing it into the fire.
"Why did you do that?" She angrily snapped.

"We can't risk being seen with futuristic items sweetheart, witchcraft is something they take very serious around here."
"Ok Klaus... cut the crap, I know that you are just having fun with us now, enjoying that we get to dress up and take you back in time, it's all part of your sadistic fetish thingy... whatever it may be."

Klaus pursed his lips. "Keep it quite sweetheart, you'll wake your friend."
Caroline shook her head mad. "You planned this entire thing... why did you want me here with you?"

Klaus didn't answer her, he just smiled and she got even angrier at him. "I'm going to find something to eat." she clicked her teeth mad.
"We are a little short on rabbits sweetheart..." he said amused, watching her storm away. He could hear Caroline huffing outside but he loved the fire in her and he loved the braid she made.

Bonnie moaned softly, it was hard sleeping in a strange place; she moved from the small space she had on the floor and sighed staring at the ceiling, this was a new low for her.
Bonnie Bennett sleeping on the floor.

She looked to her side and Caroline wasn't around; she sat up, Klaus was sleeping next to the fire. She wondered about Caroline and decided to go after her, she made it to the door and realized Kol wasn't here either. She rushed outside, her stupid dress was too long for her and she was having a hard time walking through the woods without tripping.
"Caroline?" she whispered calling her friend.

She stopped waiting for any noise but all she could hear was what she assumed to be the wild life around her. "Caroline, are you there?" she called out again. She ventured into the woods a little further and looked behind her for a second and then startled loudly when she turned around because Kol was standing in front of her.
"Are you lost dear?" he asked her easily.

Bonnie dropped the silly dress trapped in her hands. "I'm looking for Caroline."
"That's two of us, I don't have the easy-going attitude my brother has towards her, I don't trust the baby vampire." Kol said and took a menacing step towards her. "Just like I don't trust you."

Bonnie gave him a smile, "No one in here trusts anyone so we really should move on from this."
"I'm keeping my eye on you Bonnie Bennett." he said smiling as dark as the night.

"I'm flattered." she returned the smile.
"Don't stay up too late love, we need to be up bright and early. You and I are going to look for the things you need for that spell."

She folded her arms. "You and I?"
"Yes, my brother is taking Caroline with him. Neither of us is planing on leaving you both out of our sight." Kol said walking away.

"You both are so sure that we are just going to be two little puppies that you get to push around." she was getting really mad now.
Kol laughed into the night and then turned to face her. "This is Mystic Falls in the Mikaelson time. You don't get to say or do anything unless we want you to, at least if you want to survive. If you thought having us in the present was bad, imagine having the original version of us... a much more... primal version of us darling."

"I'm not scared of any of you." she folded her arms trying to come off a lot braver than she felt.
Kol's laughter was loud. "Bonnie love, if we don't end up killing each other, I might just introduce you to my old me. He was into feisty little things that thought they stood a chance."

"I thought that was you in the present..." she whispered.
But he still heard it and walked inside the hut with a huge smile because she was right.

She took a deep breath as he went inside and looked for Caroline, she smiled when she finally saw Caroline rushing her way. "Did you find it?" Bonnie mouthed.
Caroline smiled nodding. "It's still there, right in the middle of the village." she whispered.

Bonnie smiled, maybe they still had a chance after all.


Welcome to the jungle - Guns NĀ“Roses