Author has written 3 stories for Song of the Lioness.
I'm going to pretend that being too lazy too actually write something in here about myself makes me more mysterious.
I will, however, give a short summary of each of my stories.
Unicorns, Lockets, and Love: Complete
A short one-shot about Daine and Numair. Daine gets attacked by unicorns and gets unicorn fever. Numair creates his focus.
A Friend In Need: Complete
A Kel/Neal set in their page years.Kel loves Neal, Neal realizes he loves Kel, drama ensues. Nice and fluffy.
New Beginnings: In progress
A Kel/Neal set immediately after Lady Knight. A new threat from Galla emerges in the war with Scanra.When disaster strikes, the Great Gods send Kel and Neal on a dangerous quest to save Tortall, all the while struggling with powerful reappearing feelings for each other.