
He was taller than her. Tall, with long, well-built limbs and roughly shorn dark oak hair, and a mouth that refused to stop smiling. She would have been lying if she said she knew him well. She didn't. She wanted to, but she didn't, and she probably never would. He had his world, she had hers. And they rarely crossed. He was in Aiden's squad, after all, and she didn't talk to or work with them very often. Instead, whenever Third Company was around, she exchanged friendly banter (sometimes bordering on flirting) with Domitan of Masbolle, like he was the one she wanted. The thought was laughable. Of course she'd liked the sergeant in question before, because who honestly hadn't? Domitan of Masbolle was handsome and mind-blowingly charismatic, blue eyes always lit, tongue always rolling off some amusing escapade of his, and the corners of his mouth turned up in a way that could probably send most court ladies into a coma. But even if she had liked him, and pretended to herself that she still did, Dom wasn't someone that attracted her attention anymore. He had been replaced. Now Dom served only one purpose: he was her distraction. Not in that way, of course. Dom was even more unattainable than the man her eyes had been turning to recently. But Dom still had a way of snaring people in, holding their attention. That was the best thing about him.

After all, if anyone noticed her eyes straying to a certain Emmet of Fenrigh, and fixing on him, and never dragging themselves away, she'd never hear the end of it.


I haven't updated in forever. (Like, a year :O) Have been busy with other stuff, so my deepest apologies ;) But there aren't many more pairings left to do! (It has proved impossible for me to write KelxWyldon, it's just completely wrong.) Anyway I noticed the other day that in AlexiaM87's new fanfiction "The Undeveloped Story" Emmet likes Kel, and I thought, "I should write it the other way round." (If you're reading this Alexia, I hope you don't mind me taking the pairing... although chances are the end pairing in her story will be KelDom.) In her story Emmet is in Dom's squad, although it's mentioned he used to be in Aiden's squad, I don't know whether she changed him in order to make his feelings for Kel more plausible so I left him in Aiden's.

I hope you liked this one, thank you so much for all the reviews for previous chapters!! I may update soon (it won't be another year, I swear) so please review and suggest to me anyone who could be paired with Kel that I haven't yet done, I have a list of Wolset (he's getting a fairly big part in my other ff Plague atm), Iden, Warric, Garvey and Vinson. (It just occured to me that I could do Flyndan, but I think he didn't like Kel much...) Anyhoo thanks for reading!! See you next time ;)