Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Hi so sorry its been so long. I've had so much going on this last year the stories went to the back burner then got forgotten about. I'm going to try and go back review one and try writting some more. I'm just going to start with one. not sure which yet. but we'll see how things go. Again I'm sorry for the dely, I'm happy your still interested in them. thanks. Keep your fingers crossed for me. People this is still the same person who has been writing these stories from before, only I switched my pen name, there really are, way way too manye ashley's on here I love everything Harry Potter! Fav matches: Hermione/Twins Hermione/Draco Hermione/Snape Hermione/Ron( once and a while, its just so expected it isnt fun anymore) Ginny/Harry Ginny/Draco Harry/Draco( i know its weird, but its so hot!) |
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