I know, I know. It's short, but I just had to get this out, and it's all that my muse would let me write tonight. She is now shouting at me to go help the kids with their homework. I miss Summer break already. Oh, your reviews are always met with excited squealing by me!

Live long and prosper ! Titania

The Wedding Planner

Chapter Six

Lucius Malfoy was pissed. Not the drunk kind of pissed, no that was for later, but the pissed kind of pissed. Not that you could tell of course, unless you knew him well, for his expression was always the same, whether angry or happy, in other words, he was perpetually sneering.

Narcissa had made it a point to steer clear of him for the last half hour, because knowing him as intimately as she did, she could tell that his current degree of anger was the kind that led him to hex the first thing he laid eyes on. Narcissa Malfoy was a blonde, but she wasn't a stupid blonde, so even thought she was curious as to what their post owl had brought that had got him into such a state, she made to stay away.

Instead she sent Poe, the house elf that had the misfortune to be in his mistresses' bad graces at the moment, to inquire as to what the problem was. He returned soon after with an extra set of ears and missing fingers, and through his tears informed her that the master had left the house for Hogwarts. Upon further inquiry, she learned that he had left muttering something about "The Bastard Dumbledore and the Fuckwit Snape"

He apparated to just outside the main gates to the school and with a curt wave of his wand the gates flew open. His seeming calm stride soon brought him to the main steps, up those and through the doors, which sensing the wizard's ire, obligingly opened for him. With a quick glance around he set off in the direction of the dungeons.

While Lucius Malfoy was making his way toward the dungeons, Severus Snape, Fuckwit and Potions master was busy conducting double Potions with Slytherin and Gryffindor. Normally, he noted, the class was quiet and relatively calm. Since Hermione's performance in the Great Hall yesterday, however, the class was a bit harder to control. The Slytherins, with the exception of Draco, thought that they had license to test their limits with him by snickering and hissing racist terms toward Miss Granger. The Gryffindor were no better, they merely spent their time alternately glaring at him and curling their lips at her.

Granted, he thought, their now announced nuptials weren't the ideal. There was no love lost between them after all, but she was his betrothed and an inbred sense of honor demanded that he demand that she be treated with some modicum of respect. The current situation simply would not do.

His attention was suddenly grabbed by none other than Neville Longbottom, the continuing bane of his existence, who was currently not paying attention to his work. Severus could tell because he was adding powered lacewings to his cauldron instead of the chopped silkworms that the next phase of the potion called for. He was just about to swoop down on the boy, his favorite thing to do in this particular class as he always got such interesting reactions from the idiot, when the door to the class slammed open in a way that rivaled his own traditional entrance.

The entire class jumped in their seats and all heads shot around in the direction of the noise, as the pissed off Lucius Malfoy made his way into the room hissing,

"Severus Snape you filthy traitor!"

Gasps were heard and more than one student made to cower a bit closer to their desk. Neville Longbottom included.

Alas, poor Lucius' entrance lost its degree of melodrama when he tripped on a slightly upraised stone on the third step down into the room. He failed to recover gracefully, but sailed rather nicely into Longbottom's table, sending his cauldron over, and its contents spilling onto the alleged former Death Eater.

As soon as Harry, Ron and Hermione realized that a very angry Malfoy senior was making his way into the room, and precisely at the same moment he was flying toward Longbottoms' desk, they drew their wands and took aim.



Draco and Snape exclaimed in unison, as The Golden Trio simultaneously shouted individual hexes toward their sworn enemy.

A golden, shimmering light shone from the form of the Senior Malfoy as he looked around him in bewilderment and began to scream a blood curdling scream. The entire class was struck speechless as they watched Lucius' body contort and begin to shrink into the form of a House Elf.