Author has written 8 stories for Anime X-overs, Fairly OddParents, Inuyasha, Transformers/Beast Wars, SpongeBob SquarePants, and Fruits Basket. ...warning i really, really suck at writing...even though some people disagrees completely with me and occasionally hits me in the head... o yeah and i should warn everybody that i will not be updating my fanfics for a while. gomen nasai. but its just that i have JROTC (and that takes up a lot of time), rifle team (3-4 practices a week), homework (about every night-.-), and above all im working on a comic series. but again gomen nasai...but ill update when i can. Good news...I'm still alive apparently. And another thing is that i dont have rifle team anymore...because someone was stupid enough to ignore all of the safty rules and shot someone else and it wasn't me who shot the person if thats what anyone is thinking. i was sick the day that happened and couldnt go. and i also have an account on and im bored. Hmm now I'm in the mood to say random things about myself that everyone may or may not care about. My top 5 fave anime/manga's hmm the top 5...well lets see here...number one will have to be Hellsing, the first time I read it I think that it beat all of the anime's and manga's that I've ever read by a long shot. number two is Inu-Yasha, it was number one until Hellsing came along. number three is Transformers, you can't get any better than that I mean who wouldn't like a show about some giant robots fighting to protect/take over the universe. number four is Tenchi Muyo, because I said so. number five is well i'm not sure what number five is but when I think of it i'll tell you. I just thought of my number 5 favorite manga and it is...AZUMANGA DAIOH! My favorite food Why does anyone care what my favorite food is...oh well if you must know theres a tie between pocky, teddy grams, nachos, and um well i forgot what my other favorite food is. My nicknames Dont know why anyone cares about what anyone else calls me but oh well im going to tell anyways. Lets see here im called Sesshoumaru, Kagome, goth girl, gothic chick, queen of the goths, bitch, wench, master, the future ruler of the universe,Hakai (destruction) Ummei (destiny), BATA-chan (butter), Jess-chan, Mikazukiko (Crescent Moon Child), Sakiko (Future Child),and Jess. wow i didnt know that people called me all of that. My top 10 favorite songs Joy time to learn of my favorite songs. Im sorry i havent been on for a while but im working on my fanfics it just takes some time. especially takes me a really long time. im even working on a new fanfic thats completely in japanese. and if anyone goes to than you can find me at HellBoundAngel. Guess what after a long absense I've come back. I know my profile is a little bit out of date but hey everyone can live with it or else I'll give you a piece of my mind. I do have just a small problem of finishing what I started and I'm just letting everyone know that just staring at the computer screen won't type up my stories. I'm terribly sorry for anyone who has been waiting for a fanfic of mine to be completed and I will get to them as soon as a spark is set off for my to continue writing them. So until then I'll read other stories to get inspiration and some of my self-esteem back. |