Author has written 3 stories for Inuyasha. HEY EVERYONE! I luv fan-fictions but I most definitely luv ones with Sango in them! Yup I am a Sango fan! My fan-fictions: To Catch A Thief: Sango/Youko Lovers bound: Sango/Hiei Please if anyone has a fan fiction about Sango please tell me or write something about Sango because she needs a lot more attention out there! Keep your favorite characters in your stories, just include Sango more, and even though I don't like Miroku much...I am starting to warm up to the idea...just make something different... And sure I might not like Kagome but I won't bash her in my stories, and I could definitely include her, but it might not be all about her! Stories in planning: OK, so I had the net taken away from me, but its OK because I think I may be her to stay...and I had a sudden flash of may of only been a couple of seconds but thats OK, a couple of seconds is all I need to figure out what I am going to write next... I have decided to do a oneshot concerning Sango and Hiei...and it will be a little funny but lemony as all you young viewers close your eyes and don't read XD! You know I am really getting interested in the pairing San/Ban...its has a good click to it, wouldn't you say? |