A/N alright you guys…this is the last and final chapter for this story…now it is officially complete and here ya go you guys…I thank each and everyone one of you who read and reviewed this story, ur reviews were greatly appreciated and helped me continue this story!

Youkosangohiei: hey thanx…and yeah I kinda had to leave at that spot, I kinda got tired of writing and plus it was a great cliffy eh? Well anyways I am here to answer ur plea…and updated :D! here's ur chapter for ya and I'm glad u luv this story so much!

Ruri-Ruri: Hey there friend! Yes I know I finally updated…and guess what I updated again…not bad eh? Well anyways this is the last chapter….my story is now officially complete :D…man do I feel great!

Cookeiix: Hey there…yeah I updated and now I updated again! I hope u like this chapter as much as the others…I mean it is the finishing chapter…I think it should be special enough, lol! I totally agree wit u, I think sango fits wit most of those pairings eh? Man I gotta stop saying eh, well anyways I'll let ya get reading ur chapter there!

Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha or yuyuhakushu!

Chapter 5:

Surely she new the danger that lay not far ahead of her…it was only a matter of time when it was all over, when the pain filled every sense of her body, leaving her to expire, to have her last breathe. It should of come and gone like that…no long agonizing suffering that some would do to others, her death should just be quick and painless.

She was expecting it, she new it would come, that it would come soon anyways. She clenched her eyes and looked in the opposite direction of the apposing threat, not wanting to look in those bloodthirsty eyes that she had once served. But it was too much of a surprise, of a shock when nothing came, no pain, no screams of agony, no death that followed. It was confusing her, why had she not been struck, was he not there to kill her, to end her life as a punishment. She wanted to resist, but the curiosity over ruled her and she opened her brown eyes to find…white.

Silky texture brushed against her smooth skin, little strands of hair danced around her face in motion with the wind, at that moment it would seem peaceful, but it was by far anything sweet and peaceful…no it was horrible, dreadful and saddening!

It was him! He took the blow for her, he sacrificed himself just to save her from that blow that was meant for her, and it made her want to breakdown and cry from the sight she witnessed. That bastard's tentacle shot through his back and coming out of his stomach. Before anything else happened, the tentacle was removed from his body and in replace was a hole.

This was not supposed to happen! He was not supposed to sacrifice himself for her….no she wanted to prevent anything like this from happening, from allowing Naraku to hurt him, to destroy her life by killing the most precious thing to her. It all went wrong, everything she tried to prevent from happened, had happened, and now she was torn from inside out!

She watched as red liquid soaked through his, once nicely white, clothes, dripping to the ground in an already made puddle of blood. His blood! It made her mad, burn with fury at seeing the sight, everything inside her boiling to a point that it was hard to contain.

And him…his face, it held such pain, desolation and despair…. and yet at that same moment he held a smile, a smile on his face that held relief, happiness and…love! Love for her, love for her life and just plain love. Her eyes filled with unshed tears, waiting, demanding to be released, and then it happened, she couldn't keep them back no longer and her tears rolled down her cheeks, falling to the ground and mixing with the red liquid.

He brought up a weak and unsteady hand to her face to brush the tears away, and she leaned her head in towards it, finding comfort in just that single hand. "S-sango…" he managed to whisper out to her and in the same while trying to breathe.

"Youko…n-no! It wasn't…you weren't….this wasn't supposed to happen! I wanted you to b-be safe, I-I didn't want you to g-get hurt like everyone e-else in my life! Y-you're the one thing that matters t-to me….I don't know what I'd do with out you…"

"Shhh…" he would of said more, would have tried to comfort her, to make sure she was ok, but they had forgot about him…and because of their mistake they were both thrown from the spot on the ground, skidding across the ground in different directions.

"Enough of this, its time to end this once and for all!"

Instead of striking Sango who was much closer to him in distance, he went straight for Youko who was having trouble trying to just stay up on one knee. Naraku's only knowledgeable plan was to take out the most irritating pest that had become more a nuisance in the battle, and in this case it was Youko, who deflected any attack given to Sango. So if he took out the fox…then it shouldn't be much harder to take out the slayer who had nobody to protect her.

Sure it was considered cowardly to strike the most wounded fighter in hopes of killing him, but in this battle there were only few people to fight, and Naraku wasn't too worried about this theory of being cowardly, he just wanted to get it over and done with. This battle had wasted some precious time he could of easily of used to rule a city, an area or anything for that matter. And the only thing standing between it were these two pests. It was no longer about the damned gems that had started this masquerade…no it was far beyond that, now it was pissing him off that not only his best assassin had betrayed him, but her and the fox are now trying to destroy him, rid him of this world.

She saw it coming….she new what would happen and the possible outcome of such a situation too. It was tarring up inside of her. She new what he was going for, his plan to destroy them both, it was clear as day by they way he acted, he was going for Youko, full force, no second thoughts or anything. And surely the force of which he is going at would end it, and he probably won't be able to make it out alive.

But at that moment she no longer felt helpless, worthless as a fighter…no she felt stronger, more powerful then she had before. He strength and power feeding off of the love, off of all the emotions that he stirred inside her, and she new what had to be done! She would end this fight her way, she has a chance to stop it and she's not about to decline that chance anytime soon.

It was different, different then all three had ever felt, seen or witnessed in all their lives. It was so sudden, the surge of power that flowed in rhythmic patterns from her body, the different colors of aura that mixed together, becoming a bright white color. It was…amazing to say the least. Her form brightened in everyway and she no longer showed the doubt of losing as she did before. No this time she was indomitable, she was determined.

He knew it, he could see it in her eyes, her form and posture, the way she seemed agitated to fight him. He thought it wasn't possible, that it would never happen… to him no less, but he was here now, facing the exact thing he dreaded, he tried to avoid in all his years. That sort of power was only fueled by love, friendship, happiness, almost anything that gave you the will to live. But this, this was more then that, she wanted him dead, gone from this place, disappeared forever.

He new that this type of power, this type of strength she held was locked away deep within her, and he took it to his advantage. He thought that he could someday control this sort of power, this power that she neglected years back from the all the sorrow she received. And now these two 'pests' had been more of a challenge then thought.

She could feel the strength swishing around her in little ribbons of light, and she knew what could and had to be done. She didn't know exactly how to use it, how to control it, but that didn't matter to her, she allowed the power to take control, she allowed it to become more dominate, only because both wanted only one thing…him to die!

In one swift movement of her foot, she was no longer in her position, but instead mere inches from Naraku, the amazing amount of speed only leaving behind a small streak of light, which was the only evidence at the fact that she moved at all.

Her hand was brought back, and without delaying anymore she pushed it forwards in an upward motion, hitting with an amazing amount of force to his abdomen. He did not see it coming, see it happen and before he new it he was flung into an abandoned shack with the horrible feeling of pain in his abdomen.

She didn't waste time too, she wanted it done, over with before it could start again. She used that same speed, and in a blink of an eye she disappeared from her original position and instead stood in front of the broken down shack. Bending down she slowly began rummaging through the debris and pieces of wood until she found exactly what she was searching for.

She grabbed what seemed to be a piece of cloth, and soon enough a body was hoisted up into the air by her hand, dangling down like a broken doll. It was surprising, to say the least, that within that single blow Naraku already looked well beaten up. He had many splinters sticking out from his body, and a long gash across his abdomen that must have been the same spot Sango had hit him. Blood was all over his clothes, his face was no better as scratches covered it, and some bruises were plastered here and there.

"It ends now…" it was the only thing spoken between that time, and then it happened, it just happened. Sango had placed her hand in front of Naraku's face as if to grab it, but instead a bright light blasted from her right hand and it covered Naraku's body, everything from his head to his toes was brightened in the light, and they slowly watched as he disintegrated, burst into nothing.

Not one thing was left, not a single speck was seen to even be evidence that he was real, that he had been alive to begin with. And it was over, the battle, the war, everything was over, it had come and gone just like that. It took a while for it to actually sink into both of their minds, but once it did their smiles grew more and more.

Sango turned back to normal, what ever normal may be. Her smile had quickly disappeared and instead the look of worry filled its place. She ran, as fast as her weak legs could go, but soon enough she made it to her destination and plopped down in front of Youko.

"Y-you did it…" he whispered, placing both of his hands on her shoulders.

"No, we did it, we both destroyed him! If it wasn't for you then I wouldn't have been able to do anything! So don't you go thinking it was jus-" she would of finished, would of continued arguing about their situation, but she was quickly silenced by a pair of lips against hers.

As soon as the broke apart, she moved her hands from her lap and cupped both of his cheeks in her small palms. "I'm just happy your ok…when I saw him go after you I was afraid…afraid that you'll be gone, that you'll leave me like everyone else…"

"There's nothing to be afraid of…I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, and I wouldn't leave even if my life depended on it…"

She smiled at his comment but had to retort about that last thing he said, "don't say anything that has to do with your life, I got you back and I'm not about to let you go anytime soon," she rested her forehead against his, gazing into his yellow eyes.

"As you wish ma'am…" he smirked at the expression on her face when he used such a gentlemen type saying.

"Damn kitsune…" she whispered to him, her eyes closed and her face inching closer to his, "…I love you!"

"I love you too," and then their lips touched, a tender, sweet and yet passionate kiss sealing their fate together…

A/N: there we go…I am finished…done wit dis fic for good…and I hope u guys liked it…well tell me what ya thinked by reviewing! Thanx a bunch to all u wonderful people!